Everything Has Changed

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As soon as I hear those words I look towards the Slytherin table to look at my sisters only to find them already looking my way but this time they weren't glaring, they all had shocked expressions.

I feel as the professor shakingly takes the Sorting Hat off my head. I turn to look at her with a fearful expression written all over my face only to see a shocked expression on her face. I turn around to see all the professor's with the same shock written expression on all of their faces. I turn back around to face all four of the house tables just to find hundreds of equally shocked faces looking back at me. I look towards the Slytherin table once more only to find Draco looking at me with the most shocked look I have seen so far. I turn towards the Gryffindor table to find any sort of comfort within its students just to find everyone with shocked looks as well. All but one Gryffindor.

I continue to look at him with a scared expression written all over his face while he just flashes me a bright smile while holding up two thumbs up. Before I realize it, I start to hear cheering, cheering that came from only one student in the dead silent room.

"Woo! Good job, Sophia!"

That causes me to snap out of my fearful daydream before looking at him with an equally bright smile. His cheering also caused others to come to realization of what was happening which caused the entire Gryffindor table to erupt in cheers. I let out a laugh before running towards the cheering table, more specifically the boy with similar spectacles as mine.

"You're a gryffindor!" He yells out while pulling me into a hug.

"So are you!" I equally exclaim while laughing and hugging him tighter.

"We got Potter and Montgomery!" The pair of redhead twins chant.

Harry and I turn to look at each other before bursting into fits of laughter. We both look up to see the Headmaster look at us with a slight smile while lifting his cup towards us causing Harry and I to smile up at him.

"Bloody hell, Sophia. You're a gryffindor! Only took you about seven minutes but you're still a gryffindor!" Ron says while looking at me with a shocked smile before giving me a high five.

"I guess so." I reply with a bright smile, not being able to contain my happiness.

Before I realize it, another ginger leans across the table while sticking his hand out towards me.

"I'm Percy Weasley, it's such a pleasure to see you again. Welcome to gryffindor house!"

"Sophia Montgomery. And thanks, it's nice seeing you again."

"Welcome to gryffindor house, Montgomery!" The twins call out at the same time.

"Thanks, Weasley's."


"George and he's Fred." I cut him off.

"Wait, you can tell us apart?" They both ask at the same time while looking shocked.

"Um, yes? Am I not supposed to?"

"Don't mind them, Sophia. That's just how they are." Percy cuts in while shooting a look towards the twins.


"Sophia, come on! They are continuing the ceremony." Harry calls out while patting the spot next to him.

I murmur a quick goodbye to all three of the redhead boys before rushing to the spot next to Harry and sitting down. 


After diner and our, sort of, horrifying experience with Sir Nicholas we all are being lead to the gryffindor common room by no other than Percy Weasley. While Percy is going on about being careful with the staircases, Harry, Ron and I look around the castle in amazement while also pointing out many things.

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