The Beginning To Everything

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    "Sophia! Get your ass down here!" yelled my mother.

    "I'm coming." I reply as I walk all the way down from the attic, also known as my bedroom. "What is it?"

    "Your Hogwarts letter is here." sneers Elias as he throws the letter directly to my face.

    "What? I'm not eleven yet, how come my letter already arrived?" I question with a confused look on my face.

    "I don't know and I don't care. Ask Dumbledore once you get there." replied my mother.

    "Can you go sit somewhere else?" asked Aurora with disgusted look on her face. "And bring me some pancakes or you won't eat."

    "You have hands and feet yourself, why don't you go get your own food?"

    "MOM! Sophia won't bring me my breakfast!" shouted Aurora with a smug grin.


    I discreetly roll my eyes as I make my way to the kitchen to start preparing not only Aurora's breakfast, but everyone else's as well. I make quick work as I know it won't take long before they are all yelling at me to hurry up as they are "starving" and will "die" at any moment if they don't get food in their system. 

    After the hectic breakfast is over, I start collecting all the dishes and bringing them back to kitchen to wash them. As soon as I'm doing washing the dishes my favorite house elf, Dolwen walks into the kitchen.

    "Good morning miss Montgomery." she greets me with a shy smile and hunched back as if she were nervous.

    "Dolwen, I already told you about a million times to call me Sophia. You're my friend and friends call each other by their names." I reply with a sweet smile as I know she's quite an anxious elf. "But either way, good morning to you too Dolwen."

    "Miss Mont- sorry I mean S-S-Sophia, would you mind if I were to ask you a question?"

    "I don't mind at all," I reassure her. "Is everything okay with you? Are you sick? Because if you are, I could sneak you some medicine. I really wouldn't mind."

    "No, miss. I'm not sick. I'm okay," she replies while warily looking around. "It's just that I heard a rumor and was wondering if it was true. That's all. I promise."

    "What rumor would that be?"

    "W-well I heard that you supposedly already received your Hogwarts letter? And I'm sorry for not minding my business but I was just wondering if this was true."

    "Oh you don't have to apologize. That's quite alright. And to answer your question, yes I did already receive my Hogwarts letter. Why were you asking?"

    "Well like I said I know this isn't any of my business but I heard other elfs talking," she states as her small, thin hands start shaking lightly. "And- Oh never mind I wouldn't want to get you in trouble miss."

    "No, you won't get me in trouble. I promise," I reassure her as I crouch down to her level and lightly hold onto her hands. "Could you please tell me what you heard from the other elfs? I promise I won't tell a single soul."

    "The elfs were all going insane over this," she takes a deep breath before continuing as if she were trying to calm herself down. "But somehow the elfs found out that the reason you got your Hogwarts letter early was because Dumbledore himself made sure your letter was to be sent early so that you could start this school year and not the next. The reason being that you were soon going to meet someone else like you and that you had many obstacles to go up against following your years through Hogwarts."

    "Do you know which specific elf was the one that found out about this?" I hurriedly asked as I could hear footsteps quickly making their way towards us.

    "No, I'm sorry. I really don't know." she replies with worry, fear and sadness in her eyes.

    "Okay, that's fine. Thank you for letting me know. Now go before they see you in here."

    Before I knew it she disappeared in a blink of an eye and I quickly turned around as I heard the footsteps stop right next to the entrance to the kitchen.

    "Who were you talking to?"


    It was only Riggs.

    I can play this off.


    "Of course, why am I even surprised." he states before walking out of the kitchen leaving me and all of my unanswered questions alone.

A/N: Oh my god! I'm so excited for this!! I know this was extremely short but I just wanted to add something already. I promise I'll be writing more.

Also if anyone had any confusion as to why Sophia was curious about the early letter is because she is still 10 and if you didn't know the kids receive their letters at the age of 11 but because the school year would start about two weeks before her 11th birthday I decided to add this as she will be meeting some people soon.

Also please give me your thoughts on this chapter. Was the writing bad? Did it seem boring? Tell me anything and everything about it :) But once again please be kind about it lol.

Words: 757


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