"It's boobies!"


We get to school and we have that whole Tiggers celebration so I have to go with the Basketball team, because yes, I'm still part of it. I was supposed to do the speech, but I don't really want to so I let that blonde guy with a 'punch me face' do it. He also looked a lot more excited than I was.

I will admit, that was a pretty good speech. I bet that guy could convince a whole school that a bunny was going to start flying at any moment if he tried hard enough.  He said something to a blonde cheerleader that I do not care about. Robin and Vickie kept looking at each other and I swear if they do not kiss right now- I mean, not right now, I don't want them to be hate crimed. My favourite ki- I mean Henderson was chatting with Wheeler junior and Lucas kept looking at Max, who looked pretty mad at him. Jeez, what did you do this time, Sinclair. I still don't get why he joined the Basketball team, I never thought it was his thing, but whatever.

Mike and Dustin seemed a bit down after the speech, which I found weird, but I thought nothing of it.

Eddie's POV

"The Devil has come to America. Dungeons and Dragons, at first regarded as a harmless game of make-believe, now has both parents and  psychologists concerned. Studies have linked violent behavior to the game, saying it promotes satanic worship, ritual sacrifice, sodomy, suicide, and even... Murder!" I mock with a deep voice, reading the stupid article like it is a joke.

Everyone sitting on the table laughs at my sarcastic reading. This is what I like to call, the Hellfire club.

Slowly, I see Henderson and Wheeler walking to our table. Oh they definitely feel guilty about something.

"Society has to blame something." One of my pals explains. "We're an easy target."

"Exactly. We're the freaks because we like to play a fantasy game." I say, upset. I don't see why that is a reason for society to pick on us. I start getting on the table, standing up to get everyone's attention. "But as long as you're into band, or science... Or parties..." I yell, looking at those... Social people. "Or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets!" I yell looking at the jocks' table, where Sinclair is also sat, right next to Steve Harrington. I don't know why those two are close, but as long as King Harrington doesn't pick on one of my freaks, he's good to go. The blonde guy from the speech gets up, mad.

"Do you want something, freak?" He shouts back. Harrington gets up and places a hand on his shoulder, trying to call the other down.

"C'mon, he just wants attention, don't give him what he wants." He says, making the other sit back. I chuckle, he's not safe either.

"Harrington! How many bitches did you fuck last night? Or did they all leave you because they realized your hair is all you have to show off?" I shout, trying to get his reaction. He just shook his head and sat back down, between Sinclair and Jason. It's been like this for two years, we're unable to get a reaction from him, like he changed. But that can't be true.

Steve's POV

Munson just keeps making fun of other people as he moves on from me. I know he's just trying to make us mad, but I can't help but think about what he said. Do girls think that of me? Yeah, I don't show my real personality much around them, but that's just to keep the mood. I don't know at this point. I also don't get why he's doing this. I mean, if he wants to fight against bullies, why turn himself into the bully? Is that just his way of fighting back?

We keep eating and Lucas keeps looking at the freaks' table, clearly worried. I mean yeah, Dustin and Mike are there and I don't like to see my childr- my young friends mad at each other.

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