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      Josephine Miles was 12 Years Old when she moved from her beloved home in the Upper East Side of Manhattan to Texas, which no preteen will take well but for someone who can't stand change it was beyond difficult to enjoy the move until she joined the soccer team. Jo used it as an outlet and became one of the best players on the team but she just could not fit in. The girl is popular, she has friends, she has money, but no matter how included she was - along with how easily she rose to the top, becoming popular she just wasn't customized to her surroundings, and everything felt wrong. 

      When she was 13 her mother brought her to therapy - she knew something was wrong, not with her grades or her behavior,  but because of the fact she had a severe panic attack in the school bathroom.  Alas a teacher found her and called home leading her to meet Ms. Martin, her therapist. Once she explained how she felt about he life she was soon after diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

At 14 her Anxiety became so severe she had to take medication and began showing signs of OCD but there was nothing that could be done about it - she had to live with it. She felt like it affected everything, her eating, how people viewed her (even though no one knew), she felt like she needed to be perfect, so she was.


- word count is 251

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