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On the ride up the elevator, the Hargreeves agreed it was best to split the rooms up by gender. Once on their floor, they made their death march to their sleeping quarters.

Allison, Elaina, and Vanya unlocked their door and entered a Pepto-Bismol nightmare, lined with an awful palm tree green wallpaper. There were two large windows and a little living room area with a couple of couches and chairs. The ceiling had two tacky-looking chandeliers as if to try and class up the place. It failed terribly.

There was a shared look of revulsion as the Hargreeve sisters took in their setting.

Vanya cleared her throat. "It's not too small," as always, she tried to see the positive in the situation.  

Elaina had a deep frown as she lightly kicked one of the couches near her. "No. No to all of it,"

Vanya reluctantly nodded her head. "It's definitely ugly,"

Allison threw herself on one of the two beds that were available revealing the first problem: there were three of them and only two beds.

Elaina and Vanya eyed the second bed for a moment before the girl put her hands up, cutting off Vanya before she tried to give up the bed to Elaina. "Uh uh, nope. All yours," the girl declared.

Vanya looked hesitant. "Are you sure?"

Elaina shrugged her shoulders uncaringly. "Yeah. All good. I'll figure something out," said the girl who, unknowingly to her sisters, already had a backup plan brewing in her mind.

Still not completely certain, Vanya started moving toward the bed at a snail's pace. Elaina rolled her eyes before gently pushing her sister forward towards the bed.

"It's okay. Really," she stressed with a genuine smile.

Taking the green light, Vanya sat down on the bed briefly before throwing herself backward like Allison. Elaina leaned back against the arm of the couch, crossing her arms and legs as she watched her sisters stare up at the ceiling.

"Last night, I was sleeping in my own bed next to my amazing husband," spoke Allison in disbelief.

"I kissed Sissy goodbye a few hours ago," sadly chimed in Vanya, sharing her own lost love. "Give or take 50 years,"

Allison turned her head over to look at Vanya. "I'm glad that you finally found somebody that treated you right," she said softly.

Elaina smiled sadly, nodding her head in agreement. "Same here,"

With her sisters' kind words, Vanya continued. "She saw me for who I really am," she mused. "I'm not ready to give that up,"

"I feel the same about Ray," Allison agreed. "We better not have left just to die in some superhero turf war,"

The teen absent mindlessly rubbed her aching arm, feeling a gnawing feeling of sympathetic guilt in the pit of her stomach as she listened to her sisters.

While they lost the people they loved in order to come to this new timeline, Elaina still had her love. She had Five, something that exhilarated her to no end. All she could think about was the next time she'd be with him; touching him, holding him, and simply enjoying all of him. Things she could do at this very moment if she wanted to. Things she planned to do as soon as she could. Five and her deserved it. They had been through enough. As horrible as she felt for her sisters in this timeline, somewhere deep down, she was selfishly glad she wasn't them.

And that thought made her feel like a complete asshole.

"We just have to hope for the best, right?" Elaina cleared her throat (as she tried to clear her thoughts), pushing herself off of the couch and gaining her sister's attention. "I'm gonna head out. Gonna go get my sleeping situation all sorted out,"

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