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Mike helps me up and holds me as I feel weak in the legs.

I remeber what happened...

Vecna almost had me infact he partially did. But then I saw El... she fought Vecna. But he was beating her. I was still tangled in vineswhen I heard a voice. Mike's voice.

Mike came?

How was I able to hear him?

He told me he loved me. He said it. He said it more than once.

He loves me? As friends or more?

His Words strengthened me even as Vecna dug his claws into my scull. I fought. I fought for Mike. I fought for Jonathon. I fought for el. I fought for mom.

I was not ready to die.

That's when I was able to escape vecnas grasp and run. El distracted Vecna as I escaped. She was now beating him but only by an inch. I ran as fast as I could and didn't look back. I couldn't afford too. I ran towards Mike and Jonathon.

I escaped.

Mike loves me?

We walk home in silence with everyone. Mike on my right and Jonathon on my left both helping me walk.

The pain in my left arm is excruciating.It hurt like hell. I feel my arm begin to swell. The more I think about it, the more I feel sick to my stomach. I feel myself grow lightheaded as Jonathon and Mike hold me but I don't want to worry them. I stay quiet. I fake a smile.

"Hospital?" Jonathon says.

"Nah. No. No ummm remember at home we have that first aid kit mom keeps. There is no point in causing a fuss over nothing." I feel my breath deepen as so does the pain in my left arm.

"It's not over nothing." Mike says quickly. "You almost died." His voice shakes.

"Correct we should definitely get that checked out." Jonathon glances towards my arm in worry.

"I just... I haven't had good experiences with hospitals in the past... with the mind flayer and either way it doesn't even hurt that much." I lie.

"Are you sure?" Mike says glancing towards me in doubt.

" yes I'm sure. Promise." I fake a deeper smile trying to hide the wobble in my voice.

"If it gets any worse we go to a hospital. Deal?" Jonathon follows.

"Deal." I smile back.

I don't need to burden people with my problems. My stupid problems. I don't need people to worry about me. So, I won't let them. I can deal with my shit by myself.

When we get home mom and Hopper are there.
Everyone else goes home except Mike.

"Where have you all been? we were worried sick." Mom raises her voice as she kisses my forehead. "Is that blood Will? Oh my god. W." She touches my left arm her eyes bathing in angst.

"Yeah I umm I fell of my bike." I say quickly trying to hide my arm behind my back. "I uhhh I'll patch it up fine in my room."

I see El in the background  forcing me a death stare. Jonathon looks at me confused. I just don't want to worry my mum. She always worries about everything.

The real question was.. why did Vecna want me? He already opened all the gates. Why me?

"Hey can I umm. Can I sleep over? " Mike smiles.

"Uhh yeah sure." I smile back flustered.

We head to my room and close the door. I sit on the bed as Mike stands.

"Your- your arm." Mike says in worry.

"Oh it's nothing. Mom keeps a first aid kit at home." I point to the box filled with medical supplies on the table in my room. "It's umm it's not a bigdeal." I smile through the excruciating pain as my lips wobble.

"Yes it is. Lemme help you." Mike smiles he opens the first aid box he takes out a cardboard splint,
Tape and a bandage. He kneels infront of me. And starts preparing the medical supplies.

"How do you know how to-" I say confused at his impressive amount of first aid knowledge.

"Remeber when mom wanted me to become a scout. Welp a part of that was learning a few stuff
For medical care." He softly laughs taking hold of my arm.

I wince.

"Hey hey. Are you okay? I can stop if you want?" His eyes instantly fill with worry as his voice softens.

"No. No, it's fine it just hurts quite a bit. Umm thank you Mike." I smile back at him. It actually hurt ALOT but I am too focused on him to  pay full attention . His eyes are gorgeous. Enchanting. They always have been. His touch is smooth and gentle.

Then it hits me . Were we not going to talk about my confession of undying love for him?

"I thought I lost you." Mike's words break the silence. He sighs. Still continuing to secure the cardboard as he wraps the bandage gently around my arm.

"You can't get rid of me that easily." I  softly chuckle.

He lets out a gentle giggle back."I umm. I'm sorry Will." Mikes tone suddenly takes a turn.

"For what?" I ask.

Shit.Is this when he is going to mention my confession?

"I wasn't I mean im have not been a good friend." Mike frowns his head hanging in shame.

I place my right hand under his chin so he looks back at fame. "You have been a good friend Mike it's not your fault that-" I start to say while removing me my hand from his chin.

He interrupts me. "No. I haven't. I wasn't there for you. I mean. I care for you Will. When I was with El I just got so hung up on her that i stopped showing how much I care for you. But I do. I never stopped." Mike said shame still prevalent in his voice. At this point he had finished wrapping my arm up.

"Mike... I never blamed you. I'll never blame you. You know what umm I mentioned before. About me and my feelings and stuff maybe it would be better to talk about it in the morning? I'm just tired.. really tired. I think it's a better conversation for the morning." I smile.

Mike nods and smiles back.

"I umm I don't have another bed. I can sleep on the couch if you want?" I say my nerves catching up to me.

"What? Of course not. We can share your bed. If your okay with that." Mike nudges my other arm lightly beaming back at me.

"Umm sure yeah I mean sure" I say hesitantly.

He was okay with us sleeping on the same bed?

Even after everything?

Mike puts away the first aid kit then turns toward me.

"Hey umm  could I borrow some of your clothes? I wasn't really planning on staying over before." Mike says.

"Yeah sure yeah of course... in that drawer to your left." I point trying  to hide my blush.

"Thanks" he grabs  a few clothes and heads to the bathroom to change.

Mike was still my best friend?

In-fact, he was acting like I never said anything yesterday.. did he forget? That's something you literally cannot forget. He said he loves me. He said it over and and over again and yet from what I heard he could barely say it to El. Did this mean he liked me back? Impossible. Right?

How could I be so stupid?

I should just be glad Mike still wants to talk to me.

Mike switches off the lamp at the left side of the bed and slips into bed  as I lay on his right.

Before we go to sleep we face each other .

"Goodnight will." He smiles.

"Goodnight Mike." I smile back.

I thought I lost you  (byler) Where stories live. Discover now