Stay with me

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Ngl I cried writing this chapter 💔  and just a heads up what "Troy " did to Will in the other chapter wasnt real but  was one of vecnas illusions . Since Vecna is already connected to Will he make the illusions feel very real. The cuts on Wills stomach and the voices in castle Byers feel real but it wasn't.


Me and Dustin have now been walking for at least an hour. We head towards the woods. It's now getting late. The sky slowly fades into darkness.

All I can think about is Will. What is he doing right now? What do I say to him? Why does the thought of him bring me such angst?

"Mike..." Dustin calls from behind.

"Yeah?" I say dragging myself back into the real world.

"What happened between you and Will?" Dustin asks worried and curious.

"What? Nothing" I respond nervously.

"I'm not stupid. When Will walked out the house he looked upset and well- you seem scared and i dont think it's just because of Vecna. You guys talked about something.. something deep.." Dustin goes on as we continue to walk.

"I can't say it. All I know is that it's going to change things." I say. It is going to change things. But I don't know how... me and Will we have to talk about it. I want to be there for him. What did this mean for our friendship? We were still going to be best friends, right? Shit.What was I going to say to him.

"So it was that deep." Dustin says.

"Yes. Honestly man I have no idea what I'm going to say to him when I see him." My heart sinks at the thought. Apprehension takes over.

"He is your best friend... it should come naturally... I mean my advice is to speak from the heart and say how you really feel because you never know when it is going to be too late." Dustin's voice slightly cracks.

"I- I'm sorry about Eddie. He was there for me and you. He was a good person. He was a hero." I say.

"He was a hero. He was the best." Dustin sniffs wiping his tears.

I nod in agreement.

I think about what Dustin meant. Say how you really feel? I mean I love will. As a friend. Do I tell him I love him? What if he takes that in a different way? Im not good at saying stuff like that I never have been.

I continue to drown in my thoughts.

Why does the thought of him make my stomach turn? Why does  burying him in my arms and making sure he is safe bring me comfort? It gives me more comfort then El.More comfort than any of my friends.

I need Will.

I think about the van. I'm so fucking stupid. He was talking about himself obviously but in a way that was a confession. He was trying to tell me how he felt. Shit. And i used his words in my speech to El... so fucking stupid.

All those years of hiding...Being scared his friends would hate him. How didnt I notice?

Before we realise it, time flies.

"We should go to the spot we said we would meet everyone." Dustin says looking at his watch.

"Yes but lets check at castle Byers first." I suggest.

"Why?  You said Will destroy-" Dustin begins to say.

"Yeah but it doesnt hurt to check and its pretty close to where everyone is anyways so lets just go." I cut him off. We head in The direction of Castle Byers.

I thought I lost you  (byler) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt