The Birth of an Elf (Ch 2)

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(Still Richita POV)

After I was done reading the letter I was shocked to say the least. I get up and go to my bed to think this over. I look outside and realize that the sun is setting. I got up and went to my bed to think this over. I looked outside to realize that the sun was setting. I think I will sleep on this and in the morning I will face this head on, no point in running from it. I then get ready for bed and go to sleep.

(Timeskip brought to you by Julius being obsessed with new magic)

When I woke up I got ready for the day to come. I got something to eat and went over to the letter and looked at it for quite some time and then I turned it over and signed it. The letter started to change, the words vanished and reappeared on the paper. After it was finished it started to glow and my name that had been on the back disappeared. I looked at the letter and it now read:

"Thank you. I don't think I could have found anybody else who would have a child like me. You have a very kind heart. I must warn you I may drain your mana after the 6th month. The mana will bless me and it will thank you for having a child of an elf. Goodbye for now if anything more is needed this paper will come back from the ashes. When you lay this piece of paper down you will become pregnant and this paper will turn to ash. Bye Bye."

As I lay the letter down I feel a little bit different and the paper turns to ash.

(Timeship brought to you by Marx yelling at Julius to work)

It has now been 6 months that I have been pregnant. The first 5 month were easy because I had my strength and I made sure I had everything that is needed for the next few months because I figured that it would get harder to move. The letter has not come back so i am going to take that as good news like the old saying " no news is good news."

It has been a couple of weeks after the 6th month mark and i can feel myself getting weaker and weaker. I can also feel the mana around me better. I put my hand on my stomach and start singing,

"By the nights that pass

I will keep you warm and saft

You have nothing to fear for i am here

You're safe with me tonight."

"Goodnight my little miracle"

(Timeskip brought to you by Julius running from paper work)

It is now October and the little miracle is about to be born but something is hanging on my head and it won't leave me alone. I feel like this little one will not be safe here after they are born. That is when the note came back from the ash. It read:

"You most likely feel like something is going to happen and you might be right. I have been looking for a place that is safe if you want to bring the baby there. The place you can take them is a church in Hage village. The baby will be born in two day on October 4th. You have two days to think this over. Bye Bye."

And it turned to ash once again.

3 days later

After giving birth to a beautiful baby girl I named her Asta meaning "divine beauty" from the name Astrid. She had beautiful white hair and slightly pointed ears. Over the last two days I had thought about what to do with this beautiful baby girl. I wanted to keep her but my gut is telling me to bring her to Hage. After a lot more thinking I am going to bring her to the Village of Hage. Over the trip everything went smoothly. When I got to the church I found another baby there and they would freeze in this cold weather. I layed little Asta down in the basket that she was in and went over and knocked on the door then hid in the bush as a guy came to the door i can only guess that it was the priest he said something but i could not hear him and brought the two babies inside to warm them up if i had to guess. On my way home i found what looked to be a little kid covered in wounds as i got closer i found out that it was a little devil but from what the mana was telling me he was not bad. I took him home with me and took care of all his wounds.

"Why did you help me," the little devil asked me.

" I helped you because there is good in you, you are not the same as other devils and I can tell. What is your name, little one."

"I don't have a name. I was never given one."

" Well you have one now, does Liebe sound good to you?"

"Yes that you."

(no one's POV)

Richita and Liebe got along well, he even started to call her mom and she would talk about the child she gave birth to Asta. But after a while Lucifero found Liebe and tried to take control over his body and used his arm that he had got through to stab Richita through the stomach but he could not take control over Liebe's body thanks to Richita. With the last of her strength she sealed Liebe into a grimoire.

Thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you liked it.

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