Valkyrie - Informant AU

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Edmond's carefully constructed facade of indifference was betrayed all too easily by the sharp tang and crackle of electricity in the air around him. Alex, on the other hand, was showing a remarkable display of restraint; lighting no longer sparking beneath his skin and ice crystals melting in the late August warmth. The air around him was still cool, however, and anyone could see the rage still simmering on his face.

Vivianne didn't blame him. In fact, she shared his anger at Edmond, though for more than just Alex's reason. If she was being honest, though, she was more shocked to see the younger Stone than anything. Right now she just wanted answers, but given that she could almost see the tension between father and son, this wasn't a good time.

"Fancy seeing you here," Madeline chirped.

Vivianne leveled a bemused stare at Alex's partner. She knew she wasn't a fool; apparently Madeline had decided to blatantly ignore the tense atmosphere.

"Indeed," Vivianne said in a friendly tone. Two could play at that game, and she had missed her favorite student. "It's been a long time. How have you been?"

Madeline shrugged causally. "Well, you know... a lot's happened. Under better circumstances I'd invite you for coffee to catch up, but-"

She gestured towards the men and pulled a face. Vivianne suppressed a smile.

"I may take you up on that despite the circumstances."

A/N: This are characters from my webtoon, Valkyrie. Maddie and Alex are the main characters, but I enjoy working from different perspectives, and Vivianne isn't one I play with often. Edmond is an @ssh*le.

Midnight Snippets Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora