Start from the beginning

"Like- c'mon! Ore-sama is never wring when it comes to fishy people!"

"Aren't you fishy yourself? You have such a big ego that it pains me to know I'm a triplet with you.." Kanato disgustedly commented as he hugs the stuff bear that was in his arm, tightened.

"Says the brat that turns people into wax!" Ayato spat back, which results the two in a bickering battle. Calling each other out after another.

"It's late. We all should get to sleep for tomorrow.." Reiji announced and took his leave.

"Oi, Laito! Say something!" The said male just hummed and began thinking until he spoke. "Did any of you noticed the butterflies that the Misono kid walked in with?"

"Hah? Butterfly? Who cares of that!?" Kanato exclaimed, before he looked at his bear. "Right Teddy? Asking aboyt a butterfly as if it would harm any of us.." He clicked his tongue before going up to his room and slammed the door shut.

"My, such temper.." (Y/n) lightly giggled and her brother gestured her to come and sit with him by the window.

"We'll only be livibg here for a month until the estate is renovated then we could go," Lily said and his sister hummed.

"I hope the children there aren't causing any harm to the workers.." Lily laughed at his sister's joke and just shook his head.

"Knowing them, I know they would be just fine.."

The next day- erm... night, Misono was walking down the halls of the mansion, much to his boredom. Grumbling to his servamps, who were walking beside him, saying that he prefers to deal with paperwork than nothing.

"Have you two found anything?" Misono then questioned and (Y/n) pulled out a book.

"From what brother and I have found, that girl, Yui Komori was sent by her 'father' not knowing that he gave her away to these vampires to be their Eve." And then Lily continued.

"And the brothers are all not from the same mothers. Karlheinz was married to three wives, Cordelia, Beatrix and Christa. Shu and Reiji with Beatrix, the triplets with Cordelia and Subaru's with Christa." Misono hummed at the information.

"I see.. Brothers but different mothers. Quite explain why they don't get along," Misono's thoughts then averted to his brother, Mikuni. But then shook the thought away, saying that it was ridiculous to think of someine that is not important to care about.

Just as it was passed Misono's curfew, he was tucked back in his bed and the two Servamps stood beside him. Not knowing that someone had noticed the two.

Morning came and all of the curtains were still drawn close. Not even caring if it should be open or not, a figure sneaks into Misono's room with a sword in their hand. Seeing that the male was now currently busy fixing his attire, they slowly approached Misono from behind.

And just before they could swing the weapon, and hit the boy, Misono dodged it. Causing the mirror that was infront of him to shatter.

"I must say, you're quite smart and fast for your age." Ayato commented and leaped forward to attack again.

"And for a vampire like you, your moves are easy to read." Misono said back and sent a kick to the Sakamaki's face. Causing the vampire to stumble in place.

"You're even worse than Mahiru." Ayato gritted his teeth at the comment and lunged again. "Don't you fucking dare compare Ore-Sama with someone so low!" He shouted.

"I wasn't comparing. I was stating out facts," The purple headed boy spat flatly. Somehow the fight ended the two to be in the living room, where the others were watching with wide eyes.

"Ayato! Just what are you doing?!"

"Oh, shut it Reiji! I told you this brat was off!" Ayato yelled back and pointed at Misono who was literally just standing there, weaponless.

"You're the one who swung the sword at me. What was I supposed to do? Let it be?" The boy irked.

"Ohoho~ Calm boy is losing his temper~" Laito chuckled.

"I'm tired. Can we just all talk this out like normal people?" Misono sighed and Ayato let out a laugh.


"I guess there's no other choice then," Misono said as he dodged Ayato again and thr pulls his gand out. Thr group watch as two pink butterflues made it's way towards the boy a small speck of blood began to drip.

"Lily, (Y/n).. Deal with this 'Ore-Sama' for me," Misono commented as everyone's eyes widened to see the two butterflies transformed into humans.

"As you wish, Misono," (Y/n) relied as she licked the blood that was dripping down her chin and Lily giggily wiped the extra blood off with his thumb and sucked it.

Pinkish purple chains appeared from their necks to Misono's wrist as the boy sat down at the chair that happened to appear behind him.

"Now, you wouldn't want to bore us right?~" Lily spoke as he and (Y/n) pulls out their scythe from who knows where.

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