1.1 Small talk

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♡❀˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹❀♡

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AFTER THE GAME OF truth or dare, the islanders go there separate ways In small groups

Talia and ikenna got into there own clothes, then ikenna went away with Andrew and Talia went away with indiya.

"What was that?" Indiya starts with a small smirk on her face as they both sit on the day beds

Talia lets out a laugh "I have no idea, like I'm really surprised but at the same time I'm like... not. I don't know if that makes sense or not."

"No it does, but you where proper smiley after that, I was like ooh girl what has that boy done to you."

They both laugh together quietly not trying to gain anyones attention

"Obviously it is still really early like I have barely known him for like three hours you know what I mean, but if i had to choose one person to couple up with on the spot it would probably be dami, but I don't want to be ahead of myself so I think im gonna pull Amber for a chat then pull dami for a chat and then see where it goes from there."

Indiya just stares at Talia for a second before a smile brakes out on her face before saying

"I really like you. Like I know for a fact that no girl in here would go up to the girl before going to the guy." She laughs before pulling Talia into a side hug

"I think we're gonna be good friends."

Indiya in the beach hut:
"I don't know Talia really well. But I have so much respect for that girl now like forget ikenna bring me Talia."

Walking up to Amber who was standing alone in the kitchen

The sound of Talias heels could be heard making her look up

"Do you mind if we have a quick chat?" Talia says with a small  on her face

Amber smiles back "yeah of course I was just about to get you anyways."

"So I just wanted to come over, and umm address the elephant in the room. I have no intention in braking up any couples in here and I mainly just wanted to hear from you on where you and dami are, and make sure I'm not stepping in the way of something that is potentially more than just a friendship if you get where I'm coming from."

"Yes, well I do really appreciate you coming and talking to me about it. But it is still really early like I haven't even known him for 24hours, but I do not mind if dami gets to know you, because right now all of us don't have are heads turned at all really, and I don't want you thinking that I am stepping in the way of you and dami being something." Amber rambled and a instant feeling of relief hits Talia

"I am so happy you said that, like I was sitting over there and I was just thinking 'oh my god she probably hates me'" this makes Amber laugh

Talia in the beach hut
"I am so happy that I talked to Amber, and I'm glad that she doesn't hate me (let's out a laugh) but I am glad that she dosent feel like I am trying to brake up her couple cause I'm not.

Talia and Amber talked for a little while longer before Amber headed upstairs

Amber grabbed a packet of crisps from a cupboard and started eating them

After a couple of seconds Talia feels a presents next to her, looking up, dami was looking down on her with a small smile on his face

"How are you?" He asked stealing a crisp from the packet infront of them

"I'm good."
She muttered trying to hold in her laugh

"So what did you think of the dares?"
He questioned taking a quick glance to her lips

"It was fine, took me a bit by surprise." She answered

Dami let's out a laugh "me as well honestly... so who do you have your eyes on so far."

"Getting straight to it I see."

"How else am I gonna get to know you" he hums

" by being patient." She smiles

The two were a bit closer together now due to dami taking small steps forward

"Yeah well, what's the fun in that" he sighs

"Ok we'll probably, you-"

"Me!?" He muttered sarcastically

"Yes you, Liam and probably Luca"

Dami just stares at her for a couple of seconds before saying

"Well if it changed anything I like you too"

"How is that changing anything?" She asked

"Well we can forget about Luca and Liam for a little bit" he said

"Oh you'd like that wouldn't you" she laughs before turning around and walking away from him with a small smirk on her face hearing a faint "yes I would" from behind her.

♡❀˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹❀♡

Authors note <3
Hey beautiful people
Sorry this is short and very late I have just been trying to tuck away my hatred towards dami from these past couple of episodes (he has just really not been it but we'll move)
Hope you enjoyed it anyways and please don't be a stranger;)

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