It seemed obvious that this was the time to attack. I took two cautionary steps back, and when Ciruss moved to replace the ground between us, I sent my weight forward again.

I suppose if I hit him on my first try, there wouldn't be much of a fight. Luckily, this arena had taught me nothing if not how to be agile. I forced myself not to fall or even trip and remained a safe distance from the ever ferocious waters.

Ciruss didn't laugh this time. He swung his sword at me hard, but I maneuvered the trident to block it. The sword returned to Ciruss's side for only a second. It then came again from another angle.

This time I held the trident in two hands, one at its top and one at its base. It clashed with the sword again. Ciruss let them grind against each other, forcing his sword closer to my chest. I held my ground, using the trident as a shield. As the pieces of metal grinded together, I willed my hands to keep up their grip.

We stayed this way for another minute until Ciruss let his weight fall away from me. He seemed to be thinking of a new strategy.

All I could think was that this was it.

Be smart, Noah! I screamed to myself.

By the next attack, I misjudged slightly and the sword scraped my waist. A trail of blood escaped the wound, and I jumped back at the sight.

The sword came at me again. My brain stopped completely my feet simply trying to escape. What could I do?

Try not falling off the pillar!

It took my foot nearly slipping for me to realize how close I was to the edge. Heart beating in my ears, I took a look down and then up.

Ciruss rose his sword high over his head. I hardly registered the smug look in his eye as I threw myself off the pillar. I hit the water instantly and let myself sink under. Ice cold waves hit me on all sides. I dove deeper into them, desperate to escape. I imagined Ciruss staring down in confusion. Or maybe he was getting ready to pounce on me.

I was close enough to the pillar to kick off of it. I used this to my advantage and swam away from where Ciruss was no doubt waiting. Moments later, I heard a splash behind me.

I forced myself to propel through the water even faster, but the trident in my hand slowed me down a considerable amount. Still, I was either on an adrenline rush or going into shock. I could hardly feel the movements of my limbs, pushing on. The pain that haunted my chest had subsided. I kept going until I was underneath a secure pillar. 

Pulling myself up the few inches between the surface and the pillar, I got to safety and looked down. Deeper in the water, Ciruss's murky silhouette was coming straight at me.

Instead of letting him circle me and have a repeat of our stand off at the other pillar, I aimed my trident at him as he floated up. I jabbed for Ciruss, but in my reach, it didn't quite hit him. He managed to see it coming and maneuver around it. He tried to go around me, but I aimed at him again. Another quick dodge.

Again and again I threw the trident forward, eventually not even trying to hit him. I allowed myself to catch my breath, wondering when Ciruss would decide he needed to do the same. His options were either me or drowning.

Sure enough, he dodged the trident one final time and then pushed his body to the surface as quickly as possible. As soon as he gasped for air, I hit bone.

The hit went directly in his right shoulder. In between breathes, he let out a cry of pain. Before he could sink back underwater, I grabbed the trident back, jerking him with me for a moment.

A trail of blood could be seen coming right from Ciruss. It was murky mixed with the water, but the audience would definitely know what it was. For some reason, this made me very satisfied. It looked like I was winning.

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