Sally Jackson

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I was sitting on the sofa on christmas eve, Paul was sitting next to me and all I could think about was whether Percy, my baby, was alive. Paul could see that I was far away, so he pulled me towards him, I rested my head on his shoulder and cried, I cried for an hour straight, wishing for my son to come home. After another couple of hours I started to feel drowsy, so Paul helped me off the sofa and into the bedroom, I went into the bathroom and got into my pyjamas then crawled under the covers and fell into a deep sleep.

I woke to the sound of a light knock on the front door, the bars on the digital clock said 3:30, a BIT early for anyone to be calling, could it be, no, don't get your hopes up Sally. There was another knock, so I got up and walked through the living room to the door.

"Hang on" I called to whoever was on the other side as I unlocked the door and quickly pulled it open. And when I could see who was on the other side I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Oh Percy" I sobbed, "my beautiful boy" and I ran forward to hug him. I squeezed tight, but he cried out in pain so I quickly let go, only then did I notice the state o him, his clothes were ripped to shreds, he was covered in deep cuts, scratches and bruises, and worst of all, that I could see, was his face, he had a deep gash from the top of his eyebrow, over his eye, thankfully not piercing it, and over his nose and mouth.

"Oh Percy, I'm so sorry, I didn't look!" I cried, but Percy shook his head and smiled.

"It's nice to see you to mom, I'm just a bit banged up, that's all!" He croaked in a deep voice,
"Annabeth's downstairs, can I come and bring her up?" I frowned.

"Can't she come up herself?" I asked.

"No" Percy said coldly. So I nodded and he turned his heel and walked downstairs to the lobby. Only then did I see something much worse than his face, his back was covered in blood and you could see parts of the open gash on his back! I gasped, but thankfully he didn't hear, just continued down the stairs slowly until I lost sight of him. I considered waking Paul, but I don't think Percy would like an audience.
After a couple of minutes, Percy reappeared carrying a very grimy and bloody Annabeth, I could immediately see what was wrong, her ankle was badly twisted and looked broken. I smiled weakly at her and beckoned them in. When i got in behind them I saw Paul staring at the demigods astonished.

"Paul," I said gently, "get the ambrosia and nectar please" he nodded and ran off to the bathroom. "hello Annabeth, it's, uh, nice to see you again, Percy, why don't you put her on the sofa and we can try and fix that leg!" Annabeth's eyes got wild and scared, but Percy rubbed her arm and murmured quietly to her, so she nodded and Percy gently lay her down on the sofa and knelt next to her.

"It's alright Beth, you'll be fine, I'll be here" he whispered and gripped her hand tightly, she nodded and rolled her head to face him. Just then, Paul came out holding a cardboard box full of Godly food and drink. He placed them by the sofa carefully rolled up Annabeth's trouser leg, her eyes watered, and, I have to confess so did mine, watching the pain she was going through. After he had unwrapped the bandages, which caused her to cry out, he looked at the ankle and decided what to do next. It was a lot worse than I though it was, it was all purple and swollen, not to mention sticky with blood. It was now causing Annabeth constant pain, she was sobbing quietly into Percy's chest, and I could see a tear roll down my son's face, he loved her and hated to see her in pain, I knew that. Suddenly Paul wrenched her ankle towards him to set it right, Annabeth screamed so loudly now, tears were flooding down Percy's face. But Paul wiped his forehead and sat back.

"It's over now Wise girl, no more pain, okay?" Percy whispered into her ear, I could see her nod and wipe her eyes.

"Percy, I think you should let us deal with your back now!" I said, And he stiffly nodded.

"I'm going to put Annabeth to bed in my room," he said quietly, grabbing a couple of squares of ambrosia on the way out.

When he came back out, he lay down on the sofa, an we waited as Paul got a knife out of the kitchen and sterilised it, he came back into the room and cutaway the vast majority of the back of Percy's T-shirt then set about to clean the wound and bandage it up, Percy didn't shed a single tear through it all, which made me think that it was nowhere near as bad as Annabeth's ankle. When Paul was finished, Percy got up, pulled off the remains of his T-shirt and zipped his jacket up then walked to his room.

After an hour there was still no sound from Percy's room so I decided that they were probably asleep so I looked in to find Annabeth wrapped in my son's arms on his bed. I smiled gently and carefully closed the door.

Whatever happened to them, they didn't deserve it, they were good kids.

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