•The Unexpected Love

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The Unexpected Love



"You hate me right?" I shook my head but he pulled me closer to his chest.

"Feeling is mutual honey " his hot minty breath reached to my ears.
He gripped my arms tightly and I winced from the pain.

A tear fell from my eyes, I tried to push him but he was way stronger than me.
"Daniyal, it's hurting" I cried out.

'I know right " he smirked at me.

He leaned into me and his lips were about to touch mine, I pushed him with full force.

"What were you doing with me Daniyal"I yelled. His face was red, he held my wrist and pushed me to the walls.

"You think I'll do this with you, really? " he let out aloud chuckle and shot a glare at me.

"You're just a piece of trash that my dad bought for me to play but I don't want to lower my standard so don't worry, I'm not gonna touch you" his words shattered my heart into pieces.

I was his wife, his unwanted wife.



This story Contains Islam, but it is still very nice though..

 Recommendations: Romance Stories ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon