I remember visiting castle Byers when Will left to California with El. I saw it torn apart. At first I thought maybe a bad storm ruined it but as I scavenged through  what was left of it , I realised it was will. A ghostbusters photo with all of the original party on  it lay torn on the floor. My heart broke. Our argument. The words I used.

"It's not my fault you don't like girls."

How could I say something so stupid? So cruel. All he is wanted to do was play dnd.

I was a bad friend

I caused the downfall of castle Byers.

Me and Dustin continue to move forward.

"Look." Dustin points towards the ground"tracks."

We exchange a glance of hope and walk faster following the tracks.

There he is. Sitting in-front of the destroyed  Castle Byers his back facing us. We can only see him from a distance.

"Will?" Dustin calls out.

No response.

"Will? Come on man we can talk. We need to talk." I call out as me and Dustin run towards him.

No response.

"Will?" I tap his shoulder as I approach him.


"Will?" I turn him towards me; his eyes flutter
as his head faces the sky.

No. No. No.

My heart drops into the depths of my core.

Not him.

Please not him.


Dustin runs off into the distance in desperation, callling everyones name.

"Dont worry, Will, we are going to get you help... I promise. Just stay with me. Please, stay with me." I cry; tears streaming down as my voice crumbles.

I hug him. I know he can't feel it but it brings me comfort knowing he is in my arms: knowing he is still with me.

"HURRY. PLEASE HURRY." I  CRY my arms still wrapped around Will.


The fear of losing someone you love .

It hits me.

Then, it happens.

I feel Will's body start to slip out of my grasp as he begins to levitate.


Not him.

"Should I stay or should I go?" I sing slowly and quietly breaking on my own words as i hold him tighter in my arms. "Should I stay or should I go?"  I sob still trying to keep him in my grasp.

I fail.

I stand up to watch him levitating over me.

I thought I lost you  (byler) Where stories live. Discover now