Chapter One

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"Come on Ness, you're gonna be late to school!" Her brother yelled at her through the door.

"Oh my God Jeremy, just be patient!" She yelled back.

"Then hurry the fuck up!" Jeremy scowled, walking away.

Vanessa had that same dream last night. Her as a child —presumably— in a giant and fancy ass library. She can't remember herself ever going to one as a child. Other than the library her Uncle Henry had. Well. Not really "Uncle", more like a friendship.

She quickly changed into her regular clothes, khaki capris with a baby blue blouse, and then a black headband and moon earrings. She's gonna have to do her make-up later. She walked downstairs to meet her impatient brother sitting at the dining table. He glared at her with wide eyes and a small frown.

"Okay, look, I'm sorry I had taken a whi—" she started to explain.

"Stop your crap, something's going on with you and you haven't told any of us yet," Jeremy interrupted, "ever since you got that giant ass book you've been acting so different," Vanessa stared at Jeremy blankly. The book from my dream? She asked herself, then asked what book Jeremy meant aloud.

"The fancy ass book you said you found in a fancy ass library," Jeremy said flatly, swallowing his cereal. "The one that was labeled 'Book of V.F Dreams'," Vanessa kept staring at her brother, then ran upstairs into her room.

She carefully explored her room until she found the book that Jeremy described and was in her dream. "It is. . ." She muttered to herself before stuffing it away where it was.

The day at school was rather normal, although she did need to go to the nurse a few times due to some very unusual nausea. As she reached the last period of the day, her band class, she had a presentation she was required to do that day. She requested multiple times to go to the restroom, saying she was feeling nauseated, but the teacher only suggested she drink water and she'll be fine.

During her presentation, Vanessa was going to play the opening to Clair De Lune, her favorite piano piece. She knew it was going to be difficult, but she managed to pull through, with an immediate visit to the restroom and nurse afterwards.

"Tough day, Nessie?" Her father asked. Vanessa sat silent, staring at her unusually pale hands. Her father then sighed and patted her leg. "It's alright Ness, I'll get you home, make you some hasenpfeffer, and you can have some ibuprofen or pepto," Vanessa just nodded and stared out the window, her gaze settling on the horizon.

As soon as they arrived home she threw herself onto her bed and stared at the ceiling, blowing her bangs out of her face. Her gaze then wandered to that book, her curiosity biting her ass just like in her dreams, grabbing it and dragging it over. Wonder what the V.F stands for. . . she thought to herself. Her initials were "V.F", but that would be absurd if there was an entire biography about her dreams. Right?

When she opened the book, a rush of deja vu and the smell of fresh paper invaded her mind. She wandered back to her dream, it was so lucid and real, almost a memory. She shook those feelings off and started to read.

She was about a third way through when she recoiled, eyes wide in surprise. This was an entire book about her own dreams. The fantasy dreams she would always ponder seeing one day and the dreams she would have when she went to sleep, nightmares included. Each chapter was a new day, new night, new fantasy, new dream.

She closed the book and set it on her nightstand, grunting in frustration. She had a headache from all this new information. All the past memories of ancient, put away dreams flooding back. She closed her eyes and rubbed her temples, groaning from the growing headache. She then shut her door, turned the lights off, and went to bed. She didn't want her soup anymore.

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