My Love : Origin

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"So are you and the freak a thing?" Jason came up next to me. I spotted Eddie rounding the corner. Great timing.

"What's it to you Jason." I rolled my eyes and slammed my locker door shut.

"Just wondering," he scoffed. "You wanna go to dinner, me and you?" He asked leaning up next to me.

"Ahem," Eddie coughed. "Is this guy bothering you m'lady?" He smiled at me holding his hand out.

"No, he was just leaving." I placed my hand in Eddie's and he kissed my fingers.

"Shall I walk you to class then?" He laced his fingers with mine and we took off down the hall.

"Freaks!" Jason yelled at us. We both flipped him the bird and kept on walking.


"So I've been meaning to ask you something. It's okay if you say no I'll completely understand." Eddie said tracing his fingers down my arm as I laid on his chest.

"What's up?" I asked playing with the guitar pick necklace.

"Will you be mine, I mean like, my girlfriend?" He asked his heart picking up pace.

"Is the Eddie Munson being romantic right now?" I laughed.

"I just, I really, really like you and after seeing Jason try to get with you I realized I don't want to see you with anyone but me. So please, be my girl." He said moving down to make eye contact with me.

"Of course, I would be honored to have you as my boyfriend." I said kissing him softly on the cheek.

"You're so beautiful." He placed my hair behind my ear.

"Awe shucks." I laughed at him. We stayed cuddling for a bit before we both fell asleep.

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