The Test

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"Y/n! Honey are you okay?" Mom yelled up the stairs. I heaved back into the toilet.

"Yeah mom! I'm good!" I turned back to puke again. I flushed the toilet and wiped my mouth off. I looked in the mirror and sighed. God I hate puking.

"Honey come on you're going to be late." Mom yelled back up the stairs.

"Coming!" I yelled, splashing water on my face. I grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs. "Love you mom." I kissed her an the check and hopped in my car. I pulled up to the school barely anytime to spare. I ran to my first class and sat down next to Robin.

"Where have you been. You were almost late." Robin whisper-yelled.

"I've been puking all morning." I rolled my eyes. She laughed and shook her head.

"Eddie was worried about you,"she nudged me. "It was kinda cute." She teased. I blushed. Eddie and I had been dating for about a year now. He still gives you butterflies even now.

Classes were taking forever to pass by, the feeling of puking still lingering around. Lunch finally came and I was so excited to see Eddie and have him hold me. Robin and I walked to the lunch room in silence while I tried to fight back the feeling of puking again.

"Hey!" Max came running down the hallway at me.

"Hey girl what's up?" I asked. She stopped to catch her breath.

"I need a pad, please tell me you have one." She said panting. I froze for a second. "Hello?" She waved her hand in my face.

"Oh yeah, here." I reached into my bag and handed her one of my pads.

"Thanks!" She yelled running back down the hall.

"What's wrong you look like you've seen a ghost?" Robin asked tapping on my shoulder.

"We gotta go!" I yelled dragging her by the wrist.

"Where are we going!" she yelled as I weaved us in and out of the sea of people.

"Hey princess!" Eddie yelled as I ran past him.

"Not now Ed's gotta go!" Robin yelled as we made way for the doors. "Y/n, I can't skip class my parents will kill me!" She yelled still not trying to pull away from me. We got to my car and I shoved her in.

"Robin not now." I said shutting her door. I got in and sped off.

"Can you at-least tell me where we're going that's so important." She said rolling her eyes.

"Robin, please just don't say anything." I said turning the radio all the way up. Music blaring all the way to the store. This was the best thing about Robin. She never really questioned anything. She just blindly follows me into battle and trusts me 100%.

"Seriously, you needed to come to the store. This couldn't wait until after school?" she asked crossing her arms.

"Robin, I seriously just need you to be quiet and follow me right now." I looked over at her, still looking unimpressed. "Just come with me." I got out and headed for the door, Robin close behind.

"This better be good." She sighed. I headed for the women's health isle, finding exactly what needed. "No way!" She yelled.

"Shh!" I yelled. "Listen. Eddie and I are always careful but I'm late, and sick so." I shook the tests around. I grabbed a few snacks from the snack isle hoping for this interaction at the register to be less awkward. After paying we ran and hopped back in the car and drove to robins house.

"My parents aren't home so this shouldn't be a problem." She hopped out and we ran for the door. She unlocked it and we ran for the bathroom.

"Shit shit shit!" I fumbled around with the box before finally opening it.

"Oh my god what are we gonna do. Your mom is gonna be so mad at you." Robin rambled on about every bad situation that could happen.

"Robin," I stopped her. "Not helping, like at all." I said. She shook her head and covered her hand with her mouth.

"God why does this take so long!" I paced back and forth. We had the test flipped upside down waiting for Robins watch to go off. "I'm gonna puke." My stomach twisted. Robin watch beeped and we look at each other.

"Do you want me to look at it?" She asked. I nodded my head holding my hand over my mouth.

"Are you sure?" She asked picking up the test.

"Robin just tell me what it says!" I yelled walking closer to the toilet. She took a shaking breath and flipped it over.

"Oh shit." She said looking up at me.

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