dating Eddie Munson pt2

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🤍he sometimes has bad dreams about losing you and holds you tightly in his arms

🤍He hated having to stay at the hospital and being that vulnerable but when you visited it always made his day

🤍 anytime you told hellfire club you were going to see Eddie in hospital dustin would always insist on going and bringing Steve bc Dustin feels its his fault Eddie ended up in hospital

🤍after the hospital Eddie really wanted to see hellfire club and play D&D but you told him to get some rest and take it easy "well if I'm taking it"easy " I need my lover to at least stay during my recovery"

🤍 before Eddie woke up all you wanted to do was be at the hospital incase he didn't wake up but Steve and robin had to bring you home and during that time you stayed at Steve's house "what if he wakes up and no one's there for him or worse he dies Steve " "he'll be ok what you need right now is sleep come on"

🤍when Eddie was asleep you still told and how much you want to shower him in love when he wakes up

🤍When he woke up you began to cry he nearly did too " Eddie I'm so happy you're ok I really thought I thought I lost you " he then said in a very weak voice"of course I didn't die this is my year"he had a weak yet cute smile on his face

🤍he's always up for affection even small signs of it like hand holding putting his hand on your thighs ect

🤍he loves to tuck your hair behind your ears

🤍You bought him tickets to see his favourite band just so you could see his face light up when they start playing

🤍he loves to talk about your future in terms of pets and kids but no matter what you want to do he'll always stay with you

🤍you two skip school together sometime

🤍 Eddie always brings you to places where no one really goes to so you guys have privacy

🤍 he'll always bring you snacks if you want them

🤍he always appreciates your company no matter where he is your company is appreciated

🤍he hates it when you two fight it really upsets him and one time he upset you sm you ignored him and deep down he hoped you would talk to him but he knew he upset you

🤍he always lets you borrow his hellfire club shirt and is convinced you wear it more than him

🤍he gets scared during thunder storms he thinks its embarrassing but you always comfort him during them

🤍When its raining outside he brings you outside and you chill in the rain for a bit but after he always gives you clean clothes and cuddles

🤍 when he's upset about Chrissy you always comfort him and you're always the first person he tells

🤍one of the first gifts he got you was a dragon keychain and you both have matching ones

🤍if you ever miss even just one day of school he always calls you to make sure you're ok and you so the same for him

🤍 after Eddie died you locked yourself in your room for 2 days until Dustin told Steve you hadn't left your room since Eddies death "hey y/n wanna come for breakfast with me robin and Dustin" Steve was avoiding the subject of Eddie"no thanks you guys enjoy tho" "see it wasn't really a question you're coming from breakfast with us"

🤍 everyone avoided the subject of Eddie around you so it didn't upset you but it upset you more no one was talking about his sacrifice

🤍 robin would bring you places like the mall to get your mind off of Eddie

🤍you were staying at Steve's house for a while so you didn't lock yourself away again

🤍 You loved to ask Steve for hugs and pretend it was Eddie but it wasn't really the same

🤍 Although you never really spoke to his uncle and Eddie bearly ever talked about him Mr Munson still thanked you for always cheering Eddie up

🤍it may sound super stupid but something you missed about Eddie was you guys "having fun" but you were embarrassed to admit it obviously wasn't the main thing you missed about him ofc

🤍 you were very upset about Eddie ofc but Steve was there for you the whole time got you anything you wanted and anything to help (number one mom<3)

🤍 when you had to go through Eddie's stuff in his room Steve found a framed photo of the two of you guys he was hiding from his uncle in case he moved it Steve gave it to you to decide what to do with it and you began to cry to second you seen it

🤍 After his death you went around wearing Eddie's guitar pic necklace even though he made you one this one was more important his rings even tho theyre too big for you and his hellfire club shirt

(You end up in hospital instead of Eddie)

🤍 Eddie visited you everyday he really didn't care him and Steve were supposed to be taking turns staying at the hospital he stayed there everyday

🤍his uncle Dustin Steve so many people tried to get him to leave the hospital but he refused to leave
"Cmon Eddie we'll go on a walk and come straight back they'll be fine"
"Harrington get the fuck out of here with your bullshit " he did feel bad for constantly snapping at Steve but he couldn't help it

🤍 Eddie became very snappy( as if he wasn't already) and got angry about every little thing

🤍He lost so much sleep while you were staying at the hospital he couldn't help it he was the most worried he'd ever been about anything,"please sweetheart I need you with me I need to show you my love for you at least one more time "

🤍He'd always attempt to hold your hand while you were asleep and when you woke up you held it back ofc"

🤍 When you woke up Eddie made sure that you were close to him so he could take care of you and make sure you never end up like that again

🤍 Eddie would always bring his guitar to play rough drafts of corroded coffin songs like he always did when you were awake

🤍 Eddie became very distinct from everyone in fear you'd die just like Chrissy

🤍 Eddie brought you little gifts like flowers and a little plushie

🤍when you woke up Eddie couldnt hold back anymore he began to cry and held you tightly (while still being aware you're weak)"sweetheart please don't ever scare me like that again" "I don't plan on it Eddie " "you better not

Aww I love this sm thanks for the support on both tiktok and this story I littaraly cannot ask for a nicer community if fans <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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