Absolute hate surged through me. But, Aloy was fighting someone?

I looked back at the ground and sure enough, it was drenched in blood.

I remember the location?

How is that possible? I've been away for 12 fucking years. And I remember? How-


"Come on," the Alpha urged me.

I ran over to him and saw the most beautiful scene.

A lake surrounded in lilies with a scent of honey. Probably looked like heaven in the moonlight.

"I go here for runs and so will the Alpha after me, then the Alpha after that, then- you get what I mean." said the Alpha.

"Remember this place," the Luna said, "I'm certain it'll help in the future."

End Of Flashback

It's not that place, right? If it is, then, the person who took Aloy was...


But why? What does he want from her?

Third Person POV:

Aloy's eyes finally fluttered open after hours of sleep, and there was Emma, rolling her eyes.

"Dumbass, we're in a cell," she muttered.

It was Aloy's turn to roll his eyes.

Suddenly laughter erupted,

"Even in a cell you can't get along?"

"Dylan, how about you shut up before I serve you your own tongue?" Aloy threw back.

"I think his internal organs would be nice as sides," Emma added.

"I wonder how long it'll be before you lose that attitude," Dylan said.

Dylan turned around and walked away.

"I hate to say this," Aloy started. "but we have to work together."

"Don't need to remind me, I already have a plan."

Emma explained her plan.

"You sure I can do that?" Aloy asked.

"I've known you for years, of course."

Aloy took a deep breath and shouted, "Oi Dylan!"

Dylan walked over to him with a smug look.

"What is it?"

"How's your replaced Luna?"

Dylan was shocked but his expression quickly turned into one of anger.

"How about I torture you?" He suggested.

"Open the door, let's see how well your methods are."

As soon as Dylan opened the cell door, Emma jumped out and shoved him onto the floor.

"Do the honours, Aloy."

Aloy was too distracted by the chance of bloodshed to realise what Emma had called him.

"Lets do it together," Aloy said.

The once bestfriends slashed and stabbed at Dylan's heart, making him black out.

Suddenly, they heard something.

Oh, I actually didn't plan that," said a masculine voice.

They looked up to meet another man.

"Who the fuck are you?" Aloy asked calmly.

"Straight to the point, classic Aloy. You remember me, don't you, love?" the man came down from the staircase, looking at Emma.

"You. How are you?" Emma asked.

"Would've done better with you by my side."

It took a few seconds for Aloy to register what was happening. That was Emma's mate.

"What do you want Kai?" Emma asked.

"Simple. You."

Emma and Kai met eyes.

"Kill him."

Aloy looked at Emma with wide eyes. Did she mean what he thought she did?

"Hah, what can she do?"

That flipped a particular switch in Aloy. He summoned ten red knives and pointed them at the man.

"A lot, darling," Emma replied.

With one swift move, the man was on the ground, dead.

"I thought you didn't use that," Emma said.

"Well, bitch, a petty one at that, you asked for it."

"Bye bestie."

With that, Emma disappeared into thin air, leaving Aloy alone.

"Goodbye, bestie."


What do you think? Is it bad? Is it good? I'm now stuck on the next chapter. (Edited)

From a 'Useless Omega' to a 'Daring Lone Wolf'Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt