Lament of the Fallen (part 1)

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Day 4: AU-Free Day

Every action has an equal opposite reaction. This is why, even before history was created, before the universe was born, the only two 'creations' inside the nothingness first began their rivalry. Or perhaps began is the wrong word as it shows a conscious choice. No, the Sea of Quanta–the mother, the bearer–did not choose to destroy the Tree it bore, it was a ritual far beyond their control. Still, the pattern remained; the Sea shall drown the Imaginary Tree until all its roots are rotten and the Tree shall absorb the Sea until it's a barren emptiness. In the same manner–because there are reactions to everything because only the strong survive–the human civilization shall rise in each of the Tree's branches while the Honkai, like a pest among leaves, does its best to destroy them.

Our universe, one among infinity, welcomed Honkai in all its forms. Cataclysms, diseases, wild beasts and the worst of all; Herrschers. After all, at its core, the Honkai could only be a religion, one that contains an overpowered God, its chosen ones and a number of martyrs. There is a total of fourteen Herrschers–fourteen people tainted by God–and our world has met all of them.

It's of utter importance to note that the game–humanity versus the Will of Honkai–has always been rigged. Against powerful beings, Honkai's apostles, that can bend worldly laws to their whim and command all Honkai can touch, humanity has never stood a chance. This is why, when the Fourteenth Herrscher descends, the world burns and almost all life is lost.

The Previous Era ended to the tune of a gentle song meant to be a lighthouse, a guide to the fallen ones and those who were patiently waiting at death's door, a beacon for those who would travel forward.

'The field of golden wheat swayed

Where can the wondering rider call home

Oh, my love, may we never part ways

Oh, my love, may time stay still for us'

Such heavenly music would never be heard again.




Current Era.


Aguero carefully placed his backpack on the couch before making his way toward his sister's study. He had come later than he ought to–too caught up with his kendo lessons and visiting the library–yet Maria hadn't given him a single call. That meant that his sister was again too caught up with work and had lost track of time. Not that he could blame her. After all, Maria was only seven years older than him and she was managing ME Corp all by herself after their parents' death. If something, he was only feeling guilty for not being able to help her.

"Maria," as expected, the girl was scribbling some things down. At the sound of her brother's voice, she perked up. "I brought you a sandwich."

This caused Maria's eyes to widen. She looked at the clock near her, "Did you just come back?" She sounded disappointed at herself for not noticing. "The butlers must have gone home, I don't," she let out a hollow laugh, "I haven't prepared you any food."

"It's fine, I've already eaten." He explained as he handed her the sandwich, "Have you?"

"In the morning, yes," she said and grabbed it. She unwrapped it with a smile and began chewing. "were you out with friends?"

"No, I was at the library." Maria's smile faltered. What a disappointment I am, Aguero thought to himself. He cleared his throat, "A girl told me should have a study date."

"Oh? What did you say?"

"That I'd discuss it with you." Maria's smile still didn't return to its original state. She kept looking at him, expecting the entire story. Letting a sigh escape him, Aguero sat on the chair across her desk. "I don't want to go. We're in different classes."

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