Sophie Masons and Ghosts Part 3

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The Photos are all Sophie Abigail Masons-Kort-DiNozzo and the last three Tyler Kennedy T.K" Masons-Kort-DiNozzo.

It gets weird at the end and I mean wired. Wired in both good and bad things.

POV: Sophie Abigail Masons-Kort-DiNozzo

Once Uncle Toby gets me on his back, my backpack from Papa, and T.K gives Uncle Toby his leash. Uncle Toby, Ron Sacks, T.K and I get to the car. Uncle Toby put me in my car seat, got me buckled up, put my backpack by me and told T.K to get in. We were then on our way to HQ.

So kid, what is your name? asked Sacks

Sophie Abigail Masons, my dog is Tyler Kennedy, Papa, Papi, Uncle Jet Plane and Uncle Toby didnt like the name I really wanted, because it would confuse them. Most of the time Tyler Kennedy, gets called T.K. I said and he jumped on the seat to put his head on my lap.

So, why is Gibbs Jet Plane? asked Sacks

Gibbs, will pick her up and swing her around in the air. She said she felt like she was on a Jet Plane. Gibbs, has been that ever since the first time he did it. said Uncle Toby

Dont be sad Uncle Toby, you have a cool name with Papi, Papa and Uncle Jet Plane. I said

Sophie, how old are you? asked Sacks, but I didnt answer

Abigail, are you okay? asked Uncle Toby

What Im reading. I said

We should let her read, she gets mad if you bother her while she is reading. said Uncle Toby

After I bit, I read the whole FBI case file and then fell asleep so did T.K. I was asleep when Uncle Toby woke us up. He picked me up, put my head to his chest, got T.Ks leash, my backpack and his bag with the files. He didnt even know I read them because I put them back the way they were. He then walked us into the NCIS HQ, the Same Security guy was there.

Hello Sophie and T.K, here you guys go, Sophie you got your badge? said/asked the Security guy, as he gave Uncle Toby and Sacks guess ones.

I do, right here. Also Security guy, what is your name? I said/asked

Im Blake, also that is a gut dress, hair bow, boots and white bear you got there. said Blake

My Daddys was also Blake. I said as we were walking off

It is a cool name, just like your name Sophie. said Blake and we walked off.

Uncle Balboa! I yelled

Soph Apple! Yelled Uncle Balboa, as he took me from Uncle Toby.

Why Abigail, I thought we had something? asked Uncle Toby

Uncle Balboa, has apple. I said

I can get you an apple. said Uncle Toby, as we walked over to Papa and Uncle Jet Planes team. They all give us weird looks but not Papa and Uncle Jet Plane. Only when I eat the apple do Papa, Uncle Jet Plane, and Uncle Toby look at me and Uncle Balboa weirdly.

How, she never eats apples, unless it is my Apple Pie. said Papa

Soph Apple, just loves apples though. said Uncle Balboa

She hates them. said Papa, Uncle Jet Plane and Uncle Toby

Who hates what? asked Aunt Abby

That I do not like Apples, Aunt Abby. I said

Hey Baby Abby, also she eats them all time with Balboa. said Aunt Abby

Okay, I guess that is another thing that the Husbands need to know. said Papa

Wait, why the husbands? I thought she only had one other Dad. asked/said Ziva David

Papa no one but Uncle Balboa, Uncle Jet Plane, Uncle Toby, Aunt Abby, Daddy, Mommy, you and Papi know about Tad and Abba. I said

Shoot your right thanks princess. said Papa

So, have we found out what these people have in command? asked Uncle Toby

I want to know who the husbands are. said Timothy McGee

None of their family will tell you or us. Sophies Tad and Abba can be mean. said Aunt Abby

Also Top Secret. said Uncle Jet Plane

Or Classified. said Uncle Toby

Even Sorry Classified Top Secret. said Uncle Balboa

Okay then lets work on the case. said Ziva David

All the couples killed had a few things in common. I said as Uncle Balboa put me down

How do you know that, Abigail? asked Uncle Toby

FBI Files in your bag, why do you think Papa, Papi, Tad, Abba, Aunt Abby, Uncle Balboa and Uncle Jet Plane put them up front. I said

You read them? asked Uncle Tony

Yep, anyway. They are married couples, one man and one female. The male is in the Army and the Female is in the Navy SEALS. I said as Ducky came in.

How do you know that Sophie? asked Ducky

I looked them up. By the way Uncle Toby, have fun Papa, Papi, Tad and Abba. I said

What did I miss? asked Ducky

Sophie has to other Dads, but wont tell us anything, said Ziva David

Oh and I made notes in my notebook for you guys. I said

I told you she is smart. said Uncle Jet Plane

WHO LET'S SOPHIE ABIGAIL TAYLOR MASONS-SOMETHING-SOMETHING, READ THE CASE FILE? yelled Tad, Abba, and Papi. I got up so fast and ran to them.

Uncle Toby did. I said hugging Tad and Abba.


I didnt think she could reach it. said Uncle Toby


No, Im sorry. Babe save me. said Uncle Toby

Sorry Im not messing with them. I can do Tony and Trent, by themselves and together but not those two. I love you guys dont kill him. said Uncle Jet Plane

Sorry guys but you cant be up here without a pass. said Blake, breathing heavily.

Well it took you long enough, I thought we would have to call an ambulance. said Abba

What is going on down here? asked Papas Boss

I was wondering that, you guys are back. said Papa as Tad and Abba, let go of my hands to catch Papa. The three of them hug for a long time and Papa cries into them.

Part 4 coming soon.

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