a slytherin party

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even if you don't like dramione, i think you should read this anyway because i love it and i love the idea of Slytherin parties.

on her way to the library, Hermione was un noticeably slipped a note by Pansy Parkinson. she turned around in slight concern, only to receive a funny grin from pansy as she quickly rushed off looking excited.

the note read:
surprise! i'm inviting you to the party in the Slytherin common room tonight. come to my room at 6pm and don't be late or i'll give you a right earful. you better be there or i'll poison your food at breakfast tomorrow xxx
ps: i've got a hot outfit for you

Hermione chuckled at the note and sighed knowing there was no way she could possibly get out of this. her new friendship with Pansy Parkinson was possibly one of the best things she thought might have ever happened to her. she was like a breath of fresh air, away from her other friends, meaning Harry and Ron. they got a bit much sometimes and Hermione felt carefree with Pansy. even though Hermione loved school and studying in the library, even she could admit that Harry and Ron could hold her back sometimes with all their problems. plus they would always choose each other over her.

A little fun every once in a while couldn't hurt could it?

6 o'clock rolled around pretty quickly and that didn't help with calming Hermione's nerves and excitement. she was going to a Slytherin party. and much to her surprise she was actually invited to it. she was about to go to a party with a bunch of Slytherins.

what a way to let my hair down, she thought smiling to herself. she had changed out her robes and changed into a pair of black leggings and a navy crop jumper. she took the opportunity to wear her favourite shoes and she thought she looked quite cute. she did.

maybe i should start wearing these instead of my school shoes, Hermione debated in her head.

Hermione shrunk a bottle of fire whiskey and tucked it hidden into her bra to surprise Pansy with later, a thankyou for inviting her.

when approaching the dungeons, Hermione realised Pansy had forgotten to tell her the password to get though the passageway and into the common room. though much to her luck, Blaise Zabini sweeps through the passage, looking rather suspicious.

"Hermione Granger! what's a girl like you doing down here?" Blaise asked playfully.

"Pansy is forcing me to come to the party tonight," she paused, eyeing Blaise. "where are you going, looking so strangely suspicious." Hermione questioned with the same playful tone.

"if you must know, i'm going to pick up somebody, you'll find out who later though," Blaise smirked and opened the passage for Hermione. "quickly sneak through, the password is pureblood for future references."

"thanks Zabini, see you later with your special guest." Hermione smiled.

"later Granger!" Blaise quickly sped off down the corridor.

collecting a few stares from people in the common room, Hermione quickly recognised the layout of the stairs towards the dorms. gathering that the girls side of the dorms must be the right side as she could see a few girls coming that way, she walked down the hall until she bumped into daphne greengrass.

"oh hey Hermione! Pansy said you were coming earlier, her rooms that one, see you later!" Daphne pointed towards a black door with green and purple lightning bolts painted on it, and rushed off before Hermione could even call a 'thankyou' down the hall.

setting three knocks on the door Pansy soon opened up and dragged her inside with a hug.

"you're late!" she exclaimed.

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