"You don't know any water spells, do you?" Angel asked, struggling with the assault. How many balls of fire could heetlings turn into? There had to be a limit.

"What, Zoe didn't teach you one?" The bitterness in his tone surprised Angel, but it also twisted her confusion and focus into anger.

"Oh, you're really going there now?"

"Well, she apparently knows more than me!"

"That is not why I went to her!"

"Then why?"

"I'll tell you later! Just get rid of them!"

"I can't until the shield is down!"

"Ugh. And I can't lower it until they stop."

"It's not my fault."

"I didn't say it was!"

"Unbelievable," Archie muttered, turning to dragon form and hoveringin betweenthe two. "You're bickering is making you blind to the-"

"Not now, Arch!" The wizards spoke simultaneously. The dragon simply rolled his eyes and left the protective bubble without them noticing. Immediately, he got attacked by the fireballs, but his scales were resistant to it.

Since they couldn't do any damage to him physically, they flocked around his face, trying to blind him. Being a dragon and a wizard's familiar, his eyes and glasses were protected against the heat and light. They were, however, an annoyance for his mission.

He flew around wildly as they blocked his vision. He knew where both a dripping pipe and hydrant was, in fact he was almost there before they started clouding his vision. Faintly, he heard Douxie call out his name but the roaring of the flames was too loud.

Just a little further, he thought very unhopefully. He did hear the telltale sound of magic being used and soon felt water rushing over him. It pushed him all the way across the alley to the opposite wall. The heetlings were gone, but as he fell to the ground his glasses cracked.

Every sound was amplified in his ears, pounding against temple. He must have hit his head. The last thing he could make out was a very blurry Douxie pounding towards him, calling his name, and Angel stopping her pursuit of the last heetling to run towards another sound. A sound that was so familiar but he couldn't place his paw on.

But the world went black and he couldn't think about that anymore.

. . .

Douxie felt horrible as he laid his familiar on his bed. Archie was stuck in dragon form, so a vet was completely out of the question. It probably would have been anyway considering he wasn't always a cat and he probably wouldn't have been able answer many of the questions anyway.

How had the night gone so bad so fast? She was just practicing with Zoe, who had taught him a lot of things though she was 200 years younger than him. And he hadn't been exactly helpful with Angel's magic anyway.

Still, there was a twist of jealousy left in the pit of his stomach. And he knew it was jealousy. It was stupid, but he'd felt it enough times through the years to know it when it came. Douxie buried his head in his hands with a groan.

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