District 9: Female: Katri Ivory (UnicornPrincess15) [ELIMINATED]

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District 9: Female

Name: Katri Ivory

Gender: Female

District: 9, Agriculture

Age: 16

Appearence: Black hair that she always pulls back in a ponytail, bright green eyes, and is rather small. People underestimate her, but she is strong.

Background/Description: She comes from District 9, and her father's brother was killed in the Hunger Games. She is determined to win and return to her family who doesn't have a mother since she died from an accident in the fields. She is brave and determined, and not afraid to stand up for what is right.

Weapon of Choice: Knife, she is handy with one since she uses one almost everyday. Deadly accurate when throwing them, but can also use a bow.

Job: She works in the fields with the others her age, planting and harvesting just like everyone else her age.

District Token: Her mother's ring, as a reminder of her, and why she needs to win.

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