Altering the Time

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I do not own Warhammer 40k nor do I own Rwby all characters are claimed for Rooster teeth except for mine

I made Lucarion as a Contemptor Dreadnought because those dreadnoughts are fucking awesome

Anyways I have him a twin Bolter and his claw hand has an attached Missile

Lucarion pov

"-What?!" He yelled out as he teleported to a forest

He looked around then sighed a bit

'I hope this is the last time I meet this... Light...' he thought as he begins to walk around

It took seconds for him to realize there was no sense of the Immaterium... Strange he thought...

He remembers the many teachings of Magnus and thanks to his Homeworld... He may not have been a Psyker like his brothers or his father but he still is connected to the warp, sense it... Smell it... But here... It was as if the world was stripped of it... Or it no longer exist

A roar can be heard snapping his thoughts back

He quickly begins to move as fast as his mechanical leg can go

He did not know why or how but he knew something was important in that direction

'Emperor give me strength' he said be hear the roar grow louder

Yang's pov

It's my fault... I thought maybe I could see my mother... I thought she would be here but... Nothing...

Now her body was tired and Hungry

And now a Ursa Grimm-like bear was growling

She looked at Ruby sleeping... Perhaps it would be a form a mercy that she wouldn't know...

Yang dropped to her knees tired from a Week of walking... No food nothing...

She closed her eyes waiting for her death... Maybe it would be quick? Who knows this might be her first experience

She can feel the Grimm get closer its teeth probably showing

Yang held her breath as the Beast opened its mouth


Yang opened her eyes as the Beast who was centimeters from her flew back its head destroyed

Yang gasped then turns seeing a red-cladded giant

Its Glaring emerald eyes was focused on the Grimm than to her

"Are there others?" The voice was booming almost robotic...

Yang looked at Ruby who woke up

"J-just me and my sister..." she said

The giant nodded "good..."

"W-Whoa are you?" The soon to be Blond fighter asked

"I... Am Lucarion Drunus... I am the Guardian of Tizca!" He announced to Yang's confusion

"What on Oum?!" Another voice called out giving the giant and Yang turn

It was Uncle Qrow


It's a short story but it's the best I can do...
Originally I wanted Qrow to find Lucarion and fight each other...

But me being me... I lack the writing skill to make such a badass scene

And I am changing a bit of things too...

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