Chosen by the Light

853 20 30

I do not own Warhammer 40k nor Rwby

Am still working but doing three fanfics is now a problem so I might do a hiatus on Heresy Divergent

Once again am Shit at Writing but Idc

Lucarion p.o.v

"Surrender thousand son!" The custodian yelled out

I growled a bit as several Space wolves surrounded me after slaughtering my kin

"Never..." I said with an angered whisper then roared out "you damned Savages!!" I fired my twin bolter spreading the fires at the space wolves only killing a single or two Space Wolves

The wolves fire back breaking through the carapace, its main core, and the left rotary actuators, incapacitating his arms

"Gngh!!" I grunt in pain then looks as the custodian walks close

"Surrender Lucarion... Stop this meaningless bloodshed and convince your brothers to stop... Now" The custodian demanded

There was a minute of silence then laughs a bit "You think they'll surrender if I said so? Look around..." I spread my remaining arm to the burning city "as much as I respect you, Custodian... You have destroyed my home... And slaughtered brothers... And you will think this would stop?" I glared at the custodian within my helmet

The custodian was silent then raised his spear his tone didn't even change "...if you won't cooperate... Then die..."

The wolves aimed again

"Go ahead! Am taking you all with me!"
I start a detonation sequence within my dreadnought suit

One of the wolves noticed and then yelled out "frak! He's gonna blow!!"

"FOR MAGNUS! AND FOR PROSPERO!" I yelled out as everything turn to white


There was a certain peace after death... Warm yet cold, Quiet yet Noisy... Clear but foggy

He couldn't tell if he was in his Dreadnought suit but I didn't care... Finally, he was free...

for a few moments within that Certain peace, it was interrupted by a pull

He couldn't even fight it... Just watch as everything disappear

And with that, a voice is heard that pulled him back to life



I gasped for air then looked around

I grunted as I feel wires attached to my bodies

My eyes widen... I was back in my Dreadnought

'no no...' I thought in despair 'i was dead how...'

"That... Would be me...." The voice brought my attention then looks

The stranger didn't wear anything, his body glowing gold similar to the emperor... His body was clearly humanoid yet the antlers stood him out

"...who are you..."was all I can say

"I am brother light... Or you can call me... Light." He said with a smile...

"Light?" I said in confusion

Light just chuckled a bit "it's a name given by my people... And you are... Lucarion?"

I relaxed my body a bit "I am..."

Light nodded "indeed... I have seen you fight bravely..." He looks then snaps his finger

A flash of memories rushed in then yelled in pain

My eyes closed in pain then remembers his first memories, the faces of my parents

I drop down remembering his Introduction to the 15th legion

"W-what is this?!" I yelled out

"Memories... Yours particularly" light said

I huff as I remembered how Amon gave me my title


It was during a large force of psychneuein attack Tizca

I and only one company of the thousand sons was stationed whilst the rest were busy fighting the Rangdang Xenocides

they attacked with force and we held them back... For three days and nights,s it took nearly the entire company

But what was left was I the only one standing a claw piercing his chest destroying one of my lungs, his left hand ripped off and his right Eye taken.

It was there he was placed in the contemptor dreadnought and was given the name
Guardian of Tizca


My eyes open once more and look at light "...why... Why show me this?"

"A reminder... Really..." Light said then turns around

I stood back up, and looks around, the place was almost like a floating stone island defied by many things

"Where... Am I?" I'd ask with curiosity

Light chuckled a bit "In my... Let's say... Vacation..."

I look then grunts a bit "alright... But why am I here?"

Light didn't answer than Snaps his fingers showing a world of many islands and two Human-like beings "to protect something precious for me..."

I'd observe the world, cultures, Species, Weapons,

It seems to be a sort of Advanced like civilization... Yet is kept out due to Dissent, Greed, a sort of hate from the Human Animals like (Light all except for the radiance), and black Beasts with a short of Red lines

I look back to Light "You want me to protect this world?"

Light chuckled a bit "yes and no... I want to protect the Hero who would save the world, my Descendant... Ruby Rose..." He forms a picture of a red Hooded being with a scythe

"And why would I?" I ask curiously

Light frowned a bit "because you are the only one who will be able to teach her power... One that you will Learn in time...."

This I felt confused 'why not my primarch? Was he too powerful enough that this... Light figure wasn't able to bring him here?"

My thought lingered but heed no mind

I look to light then turn to his Descendant

"...I will help you... But in exchange, I want one or three things... My dreadnought repaired, my weapon fully loaded... And The knowledge of the current state of this world..." I said

Light looked at the first question but heed no mind

"Very well... I'll prepare the portal... But just to remind you I might have to send you to a past..."

Light raised his fingers

"Wait Wha-" I Tried to speak



Yey... I finished it... Thanks kirk1898

Now excuse me... I wanna rest even in Vacation

The Red Guardian of TizcaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora