Chapter Ten~ Settling In

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Killua strolled from behind the long haired hero and into the small dorm room that he was escorted into. 

Everything was bare.

The walls were a beige color and there was one single bed in the corner of the room with a small nightstand next to it. The mattress didn't even have sheets on them and the lamp that dimly hung from the ceiling gave a lonely feeling.

'It'll do' Killua thought as he plopped onto the unmade mattress.

" We will arrange some sheets and pillows for you, along with anything else that you need. Present Mic will be here with your food and drinks, and Midnight will bring you a pair of clothes...Do you need anything else?" The hero sighed as he leaned his weight on the doorknob.

"Nah" Killua waved him off, not bothering in watching him leave with the door slightly ajar.

The room was silent.

To silent.

He missed the noise Gon and his friends made. He couldn't remeber the last time that he was not near them for more than an hour. 

In a way, It was suffocating. 

The white haired male closed his eyes and let out a deep breath.

"Hello!!!!" A booming voice and the slamming of the door sounded throughout the room. Killua opened his eyes and squinted at the tall blonde hero who had a beaming smile. In his hands he held white sheets, a pillow, and a bunch of chocolate bars.

The male immediately sat up from the bed and snatched the chocolate from his hands and prepared to swallow them down. 

"Woah!!! Slow down there kid! You don't want to choke!" The blonde suggested as he settled the sheets and pillow on the corner of the bed.

Killua ignored the loud blonde and stuffed one of the bars into his mouth. He licked his fingers and rolled his head to side to watch the disgruntled expression on the hero's face in amusement. 

"Is that another ability of yours?" The hero had to ask jokingly. When the white haired male didn't respond, the blonde hero cleared his throat. " Uh...I'm Present Mic. If you need anything, Let me or Eraserhead know! Yeah!!!!" He did his iconic pose.

Killua waved him off and unwrapped another chocolate bar not caring for anything rather then the chocolaty goodness in his hand.

A knock on the door made the blonde hero look back as another hero entered the room.

" I have your clothes~" A female hero with a red mask and dark purple hair stated with a cheery voice. In her right hand was neatly folded clothes and in the other was a tray with a bowl of rice, chicken, and a cup of water.

Killua's mouth watered when he got a smell of the hot steaming bowls of food. He quickly chewed down the chocolate and accepted the tray that was handed to him.

" I'll place this down here...." The female hero said while placing the clothing on top of the new sheets. " If you need anything, let me know." She smiled as she watched him stuff the food in his mouth.

Honestly, Killua was getting a little tired of everyone saying the same thing. 

" Yeah, you can leave now" Killua narrowed his eyes at the two hero's who were just plainly watching him.

" Alright!!!" The blonde hero shouted as the two shuffled out the room.

The teen was enjoying the silence now, rather then before where there was none. 

Killua finished up the food and chocolate bars before deciding that it was time to get up and settle himself. He placed the tray on the ground with the wrappers and empty water cup on it.

The teen placed his clothes on the nightstand and placed the sheets on the bed along with the pillow. There wasn't much to be done, considering the fact that he had nothing in the first place.

The white haired male plopped down on his bed with his hands behind his head after deciding to keep the light on. He closed his eyes and let his thoughts run wild.

He kind of wished that Gon was brought here with him, because at least he would have someone that would keep him in control. He didn't know what he would do if there was no way home. If he had to stay here in this world.

All the judging eyes.

All that fear...He thinks he would grow to like it.

And he didn't want to like it. He wants to be a good person, Someone who just helps people and has fun.

He knows he has a volcano inside of him. It's just waiting to erupt and boil inside of him. The hot lava was ready to devour his soul, his conscience, his whole being.

It took a long time to make that volcano dormant.

He knows he has problems, and the only one who dealt with it and took it on was...Gon.

What was he supposed to do now that Gon was gone.




Killua snapped his eyes open again.

'No, Gon isn't gone. I'm the one who is gone...' He reminded himself. 

The teen clenched his hands and let out a deep breath. His mind was getting to him again. 

He knew why people would go mad over nothing. 

Sometimes the mind was a terrible place.

He should know best, after all, his mind loves to wander around. It hangs around the dark places where he would do anything to forget them. No matter how many times he tried to think positively, it was always a struggle.

" Someday I might not be there when your mind goes, boom!" A familiar memory of Gon appears, "You have to learn to control that. Ok, Killua."

The teen almost laughed at the memory as he swallowed down the burning in his throat.

'Fuck...I don't think I can do it by myself, Gon'

This world is filled with angels with broken wings and devils with happy faces. He has be careful of who walks with him, because some people have become too good at lying.

It makes him mad, insane, he just wants to KI-

" Killua! Your strong, and the most kindest person I know" Gon was angry, " Don't think of yourself as less!! If anything you are more!! If you say one more bad thing about yourself, I will hit you!"

And like that, a calm feeling took over Killua from the memory. A small smile even appeared on the corner of his lips.

Even when he didn't sleep much that night, the memory of Gon was the only thing keeping him sane.


Authors Note: Sorry! I didn't updated earlier. It has been so busy! I love you guys and the comments is what motivates me!! Thanks for the support! Chapter Eleven coming soon~

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