Chapter 1

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📷Harley's POV📷

Senior year the last year I have to stay here. My parents think i'm staying for college here. They are so wrong I plan to move across the sea if I can. No one i meet can recognize me. They can't or I know I will break down. My past haunts me as long as I stay in the U.S. that is why i'm moving away. I haven't had the guts to tell my parents yet because I know this will hurt them. That's all because my past affected them too. My actions put someone well known and well loved in a coma. This hurts that's why I vowed to stay in the background with a camera in my hands. Photography has been a great escape for me. When I take a picture it captures moments on film most happy and non-related to the incedent.

Okay enough sad thoughts schools finally here and I can hide. Hmm what to wear and how my hair looks. Wait why am I caring I vowed to never let looks get to me again. Tank top with a black hoodie and plain jeans perfect blending in outfit. No one realizes how hard it is to look plain I love attention on me my looks are my only good thing. My grades suck, my personality is a downer now, and my attitude faded to nothing.


"Lucas we have to go now! Lucas!!" My shouting didn't even faze him he ignored me. "Lucas we have to go mom and dad can't find out we left the house. Lucas!"

"Harley calm down if we go now there's a chance we will crash neither one of us is sobber." He tried to reason why didn't I listen. He would be okay right now if I did. "Luke I can't calm down you know how I get under pressure!!" I yelled back at him.

"Harley don't yell i'm tryin to protect us. More importantly i'm tryin to protect you. I know you won't react well to the punishment they will give us, but it's not safe!!"

"How is it not safe it's three a.m. no one in there right mind would be out now. Especially with teenagers who have lots of parties." Atleast that's what I thought how wrong could one person be. He just nodded agreeing with me but i could see the reluctence in his eyes. Since he was more sobber than i was he drove. When we got in the car and pulled out everything was fine. I thought we were safe, the next events scared me to death. When we were almost home out of no where a car zoomed towards us. I let out a scream then blacked out.

Few hours later

My eyes opened then a pounding filled my head. I winced then let my eyes fall shut again. Next thing I know I was engulfed in a huge hug tears falling on my hair. My eyes opened to see my mom's brown hair covering my faace. Some fell in my mouth causing me to choke. "Oh sweetie are you okay? Harold go get her doctor so she can get checked out I need to know if my baby is alright."

"Yes dear." I heard his footsteps fade and the door open then shut.

"Mom where am I? Where's Lucas? Lastly Why am I in pain?"

"Don't you remember sweetie?" I shook my head for her to continue. "Oh well we're at the hospital apparently you and lucas snuck out and got into an accident on your way home. Darling why were you two out anyways?" I looked away I couldn't handle her if she looked disappointed in me. I tryed stalling but her nails tapping on the arm of her chair was too much. "I'm sorry mom but we snuck out because I wanted to go to a party. I dragged Lucas with me so I could blame him if we got caught but I can't do that. Where is he anyway?" My mom physically gulped and looked away. She wasn't being herself something happened I started to panic. She noticed and tried to calm me down but wrapping me in her arms. "I'm sorry sweetie but the accident did alot of damage he went into surgery as soon as we arrived. After it though he went straight into a coma, he's still alive though." When she finished we were both bawling our eyes out. I didn't even see my father enter.


That's all I remember, but that's what I want to forget.

A/N: Picture is of Miss Harley.

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