Chapter 21- Wedding (Edited 2/9/20)

Start from the beginning

"Y-you're gonna have a greaat life Kaakaaashi. You-you got a beautiful lady, a cool job... Your future is set! Never... Never let Mina gooo.. She's... She's a good kid...and she's strong...Don't be an idiot and you'll be good!" Jiraiya slurred before falling asleep on my shoulder. I thought of my future wife and how beautiful she really was... I loved her...I will love her always.

I can't wait to marry her.



"GOD DAMN IT! I DONT CARE IF WE GOTTA SQUEEZE THE LIFE OUTTA ME! THIS DAMN DRESS WILL FIT ME YA KNOW!" Minako exclaimed as she tried for the fifth time to get into her wedding dress. It was perfect everywhere, except for her stomach. Mikoto pulled the ribbon that tied the back as much as she could but it was no use. The dress was too tight over her stomach. Tsume looked everything over before going under the gown with a kunai.

"Give me a sec." Tsume cut through the extra tight layer that was making it hard for Mina to fit in it. Luckily for her, it didn't change the way the dress looked on the outside. Mikoto was able to tie the dress shut before attaching the veil to her already pinned up scarlet curls. Minako's long ruby hair was in curls that were half up, appearing like a waterfall at sunset. Her curvy figure was adorned with an off the shoulder wedding gown that would be fit for a princess. Her vibrant violet eyes were accented with long eyelashes and onyx eyeshadow that didn't overbear her features. She looked Kushina. Mikoto started sniffling before hugging Mina, Tsume doing the same.

"Your sister would be so proud of you... You look absolutely beautiful Mina." Mina forced the tears back, refusing to mess up her makeup.

"Thank you. Now where is my son, I need to make sure he didn't come in sweatpants like he originally wanted to ya know." Tsume giggled before walking into another room, bringing Naruto, Sasuke, and Kiba along with her.

"The boys all wanted to see the bride." Tsume chuckled. The young boys all filed into the room to see the dressed up women, all eyes on Minako. Naruto stared up at her in awe, his big blue eyes widening.

" look... Beautiful ya know?" Minako looked down at the dressed up little Naruto with pride and love in her eyes.

"Thank you baby. You look very handsome ya know! Now you gotta get going, I need to walk down the aisle soon!"

After all the boys and the bridesmaids left to take their places, Jiraiya walked into the back room to see Mina taking deep breaths. Jiraiya was going to walk her down the aisle considering she didn't have a father. He smiled at his student before holding his hand out to her to take.

"Are you ready?" Jiraiya asked her. She nodded after taking another breath. The music started playing, giving the cue that it was time for her to walk down the aisle. All of the earlier nerves and anxiety rushed back to her, the only thing keeping her tied to earth was the thought of Kakashi at the end of the aisle. Mina hooked her arm through Jiraiya's and began slowly walking until she got to the beginning of the aisle.

"This is the moment you've always dreamed of, the start of the greatest happiness of your life." Jiraiya whispered to her. Mina grinned in reply before beginning the walk to a new world. The world of being husband and wife. Everyone stood to watch as Mina made her way down the aisle. Itachi clenched his chest, her beauty making his heart hurt. Shisui smiled at his sensei, happy for her. Naruto and his friends stopped playing so that way they could watch his mother. Out of all of the reactions though, none would ever beat the expression in Kakashi's eyes when he realized this was the woman he was going to be with forever. Kakashi was in complete jaw dropping awe of his bride, locking eyes with her and feeling his lips curl into a subconscious smile. Mina made her way to the archway where the Hokage stood to deliver the vows. Normally to be at weddings was not his custom, but he was incredibly fond of the two shinobi in front of him...and it felt like his responsibility since Minato and Kushina were not here for her.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the union between Kakashi Hatake and Minako Uzumaki." He started. Kakashi and Minako were lost in each other's eyes, receiving an unspoken conversation that no one else could read. The Hokage read the vows and pledges, the bride and groom responding when needing to.

"Do you Kakashi Hatake take Minako Uzumaki to love and to hold, in sickness and in health, forever and always?" Kakashi grinned under his mask, holding Mina's hands in his.

"I do."

"Do you Minako Uzumaki take Kakashi Hatake to love and to hold, in sickness and in health, forever and always?"

"I do." She spoke with power in her voice, never more convinced of a choice in her life.

"I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The crowd erupted in cheers as the newly weds shared their first married kiss, smiles on both of their faces.

"I love you." Kakashi spoke to her.

"I love you Kakashi." She replied.

The start of their forever was just beginning.

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