Ch.25 The Deal Part 1

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"Great. Thats just perfect!" I threw my arms up in the air.

"I know right." Cole said as he ran his hands through his hair.

"Guess Gods not on our side right now." I said.

"You can say that again." Brandon said and I just decided to be a smart ass at that moment.

"Guess Gods not on our side right now." I repeated with a smirk.

"I didn't mean literally smart one." He snarled.

"I know I just thought I would have some fun dumb one." I laughed a littled then looked serious.

"Okay so now that we got that settled, lets think of what we are going to do." Jesse said standing up.

"Hold on I have to make a very important call." I said grabbing out my phone and calling David.

"Hello." He had a little more of a deep voice but that isnt what mattered.

"Hey David." I said cheerfully.

"Hold on let me get him." The guy yelled for David and I heard the man hand the phone to David.

"David speaking." He said and I almost yelled at him.

"You need to come back now." I said trying to calm myself down.

"No, i refuse too." He said.

'Annie, him and the guys left cause they wanted to go rouge. So they did.' Brandon said through the link.

"Why? Please! We need you guys and there are rouges coming! Please come back." I pleaded.

"No. You are worthless. We are glad we left. We are glad to get away from you guys." He then hung up leaving me speechless.

"I cant believe this!" I yelled.

"Oh no. I know who is after us." I gulped.

"WHO?" They all yelled in unison which I held back my smile.

"David, Riley, and Austin. It has to be them. I mean like it make sense." I said watching their face expressions change.

"Yah that is true. I think your right Annie." Jesse said giving me a sly smile.

"Alright well i guess we just have to wait and be ready for when they come. In the meantime, I'm going to buy some more gear." I said heading outside. I got on my motor and started driving to the blacksmith shop.

When I got their I parked my motor and headed inside. When I opened the door the bell jingled and I had to stop a minute and take everyhing in. Last time I was here there was a lot of different stuff and the new stuff was 10 times better.

"Hello. What brings you, a young beautiful looking lady here today?" He gave me a smile and I couldn't help but smile back at him. He was about 3 years older than I was which would make sense, cause he looked pretty young.

I smelled the air and noticed he was a wearwolf, and an Alpha not to mention.

"Well I was just looking for a sniper and maybe some other things." I said.

"Okay. Why would you meed a sniper? If you dont mind me asking." He said.

"Well rouges and I guess I'm going to try something new." I shrugged.

"Ahh i see. I know what you can use then. Follow me." He had a huge grin on his face and I followed him.

I gaped at the sight of the guns on the wall and the crossbows. Oh dont you get me started on the knives and blades! I was in heaven! I would take everything in this store and bring it all home with me. But off course I didn't and couldnt.

"See anything you like?" He noticed me staring at everything and I noded my head.

"Glad you think so. So here are the snipers, blades, and such and such." He said pointing as he said them and I chuckled.

"Okay well, I think I want that camouflouge sniper, those 3 blades, and these 2 crossbows." I said pointing to each of them. He looked shocked.

"Wow. You must really like this stuff." He said getting the ones I requested.

"Yah I do. You should see the weapons that I make. They are so sick!" I said and we headed back to the counter.

"Well lets make a deal." He said putting all the gear on the counter.

"What kind of deal?" I asked couriously.

"Well tomorrow you come here around 10:00am and show me some of the weapons you make. Then you can me some. And what can i do for you? Well you can have all of this free." He said serious.

"DEAL! DEAL! DEAL!" I squeled in happiness and he laughed. He put all the stuff in a couple of bags but he put covers on the blades so they wont freakin kill me or something.

"Okay well see yah tomorrow then." He waved me bye.

"Yep at 10:00!" I shouted as I walked outside waving back. I put my stuff in my seat and put my helmet on.

I drove back home in a better mood. I just hoped that the guys wouldn't ruin it. When I got home, I grabbed my bags and headed inside. When i got inside, they all stared at me with their arms crossed over thier chest.

Well, guess my mood will change after all. I sighed and shifted uncomfertably.

"What is that?" Cole said in disgust pointing at my bags.

"Move and sit down so I can show you." I said scooting them in the living room.

"These my friends, are my new babies. This is a sniper." I said pulling out my new sniper then setting it down beside me.

"Then the rest is 2 crossbows, and 3 blades." I said then putting my sniper back in the bag.

"What do you need that all for?" Luke asked.

"Rouges." I said then walking upstairs and to my rack with the rest of my gear.

Since they now knew about all of my stuff, i just decided to have a rack with my gear on the wall in my closet. I noticed it was about 8:30ish, so i went back downstairs when i finished putting my stuff up.

When I walked downstairs, they were all laughing and getting along. I smiled knowing that Luke was finally getting used Lewis now. They are actually cool and like bros I guess you can say.

"Hey guys I got to leave at 10:00am to go back for a while. But I will check in every hour to make sure you guys know where I am." I said. They didnt even notice me or hear me. They kept on having their conversation so I just sighed and went back upstairs.

It wont be my fault when the worry the crap out cause I was all of a sudden mysteriously gone and possibly stolen by rouges. They didnt hear me, not my problem, thats theirs.

I decided to go to bed knowing that there was going to be a long day ahead of me and I would end up in a fight with one of the guys tomorrow cause they got all worried about me.

I wont be one ounce of sorry if they do worry cause they chose not to listen to me and I wasn't about to tell them. I dont care if it sounds mean but it was their choice not to listen so oh well.

I just let the darkness consume me and fell asleep.

I'm done, and I'm goneМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя