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Music recs:
-Last Dance-Scratch Massive
-Smells Like Teen Spirit-Nirvana
-Stargirl Interlude-The Weeknd, Lana Del Rey


Then she woke up.

It was Saturday.

The sun was gently rubbing her cheek through the curtains.

  Nicole was breathing a bit heavily, like she just had a panic attack. There's a chance she was having one.

  She felt hot, like it was the middle of August.
  She felt scared, like she just got chased.
  And she felt sad, because none of it was real.

  The first thing she did was stare at the ceiling for 10 minutes. The second thing was texting her best friend every detail she could remember from the dream.

That guy... He felt special. She thought that maybe she'll dream about him again and continue the letter.

The girl got up and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. So many questions popped up in her head. Yet, no one to answer them.

As soon as she dried up and left the bathroom, her mom showed up. The woman told her the chores she had to do today, even though she only understood half of it.

Jules called her after a few hours.

"Hi. I just woke up so speak slowly."the brunette starts." Now, what did you text me at 9 in the morning for? I'm too lazy to read all of that. "

"Bitch, just read it."

"Fine. Hold on."


"Damn. How hot was he?"

"Smoking hot. The guy was an angel."

"Let's hope he visits earth soon. You're still a virgin and you keep rejecting everyone."

"Easy for you to say. You're practically married to your girlfriend."

"Girl, at least try. Maybe you'll find someone similar to hot-angel-looking-man."

"Just go back to sleep."

"I will. Bye-bye."

And she hangs up. Not much help, but Jules was right. She needed to put herself out there...

But first, she'd try to find the guy in any of her dreams again. The whole week she couldn't focus in school. The blonde slept anywhere she could, and still nothing. She was starting to get upset,but she knew from the start that seeing him again wasn't guaranteed.

It was Friday and the week before the last week of school. As she was walking home from her guitar class, she saw two of her school mates, one grade higher than her. She didn't want to, but she had no choice other than pass by them and say hi.

She quickly said hi and sped up but one of them called her name.

"Hey. Nicole, right?"the brunette guy says.

It was Jonas Merlen. A bit of a duche sometimes, but a bearable and funny person. Brown hair, but he had it died black last summer. Blue eyes.

The other one was Drew Trowell. Dyed ginger hair, green eyes. Doesn't talk much.

"Yeah."Nicole answered.

"Well, I'm Jonas and this is Drew."

"Hi." says Drew.

"Uh, hi."the girl says.

"Do you want to go to a really big party tomorrow? I think someone from your grade is hosting it. You're in the 10th,right?"says Jonas.

"Yeah, I'm in the 10th. I don't know if a costume party is really my thing. Plus, it's not even Halloween yet."

"I promise, it will be fun. You can bring friends if you want."

"Alright,but how will I get the address?"

"Here. The chick made fliers. See you there."

"See you."

Well. That's great. Just what she needed. Normally, she'd stress about school, but it's already ending. And she'd also stress about her parents, but her dad falls asleep at 7PM watching TV and her mom has a night shift, so why not?

Of course, Jules and her girlfriend agreed to come.

The girl still had a bit of anxiety about it, had a feeling in her stomach like something would happen, but she didn't give it much thought. She went to buy a costume. Luckily for her, she knew the exact store where she could get a good costume all year long. Isaac's shop.

Isaac was her uncle. His shop what filled with spiritual stuff, scary stuff and costumes. Mostly teenagers went there.

Nicole arrives and is greeted by her uncle.

"Oh my God. Haven't seen you since Halloween, didn't think I'd see you again until October."

"Hey, Isaac. How've you been?"

"Same old shit. You?"

"Well, actually, I'm going to a costume party,but I'm missing the costume."

"Oh, I see. Well, let's see. What look are you going for?"

"I need something hot. And I mean really hot."

"Well,you're in luck. A new costume order just arrived."

Nicole's heart stopped. It was the same costume she was wearing in her dream. Almost identical.

"Size M, colour black, Bride Of Chucky aka Tiffany Valentine costume. This'll do. Go try it on."

"Are you sure? I mean, how much is it?"

"If you rent it, you owe me 5 dollars so I can go get a coffee. Now come on, try it on."

The girl enters to dressing cabin. She undresses herself and puts the dress, heels and thighs on. They fit like a glove. It was totally a coincidence. It couldn't have been anything else.

She comes out, in her clothes.

"Fits perfectly. I'll take it. Here, 5 bucks. I'll bring it back in two days."

"Pleasure doing business with you. Have fun!"

Let's hope she will.

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