Chapter 1

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William Byers was honestly happy to be moving to California. Not to mistake him, he still missed his friends. But in California, no one knew him as "zombie boy" or "the fag" or any other name of that sort.

He was just William Byers, the quiet kid who didn't talk to anyone besides his sister. His sister was the bullied one, not him. As badly as he felt, he didn't want to make himself a target. So he just tried his best to comfort her after the fact.

As of right now, Will is sitting in History class. He never paid attention in class anymore. He just scribbled little sketches in his notebook. The teacher is asking everyone questions about the topic they're currently learning.

Angela is giving her opinion in her annoying whiny-high pitched voice. Her theory is ridiculous, and Will can't help but crack a smile.

"HA, can you believe this barbie doll," a voice whispers behind him.

He turns his head to see a boy who looked like Mike except not quite. They had similar features, and similar faces. Yet this boy wore all black; his hair was a curly mess, he looked like he hadn't slept in days, a bit dirty, clothes look slept in.

Will didn't say anything to the boy. He just turned back around and paid attention to the teacher for once.

Will now found himself intrigued with the boy. With his bracelets and scuffed-up converse. The way he as well would never talk to anyone. How he also did not pay attention during lessons. Will caught himself staring at the boy during English. He didn't think the boy ever noticed, that was until he came up to him at his locker one day.

"Hello, quiet boy," a voice says.

Will whips his head around to see the boy.

"Uhm, hi," Will says.

"I see you look; I look; no one talks! So I do!" The boy says.

The feeling of embarrassment hits Will as he realizes the boy has seen him looking.

"You American? You don't act like one," the boy asks, with a thick accent.

"I am...are you?"

The boy lets out a loud 'HA' and playfully pats Will on the arm.

"You are very funny, quiet boy."

"My name is not quiet boy; it's Will."

"Short for William, yes?" The boy asks.

Will nods, and the boy lets out another 'HA.'

"I call you William then, aye? I'm Boris," he says, putting out his hand.

Will shakes his hand, and that's where he's been pulled in.

A/N: this is literally so short bye

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