"I already told you lee, the better question is why are you out here? You don't even hunt anymore so why are you out here at this hour of the night and covered in...blood?"

Leeteuk remained silent. Silent, yes, but his smirk grew wider.

"What the fuck are you doing out here Leeteuk ?" Hendery's grip tightens around his knife, his stance going into a completely defensive position.

"You should've stayed on your path," Leeteuk shook his head.

"Wha-" but before Hendery could finish his words, he felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen as Leeteuk drove a dagger through him.

He then removed the dagger and repeatedly stabbed Hendery in his chest and abdomen. Each stab was more painful and powerful than the last as he gripped Hendery's shoulders to keep him from moving.

"For what it's worth I am sorry, Hendery, but you saw too much," Leeteuk sighed, staring at the young boy who he cared for like his own. "I'll make sure to inform Mark about the unfortunate situation. How we both got caught up with those viscous faes. How I really did try to save you, but it was too late."

Hendery fell to his knees as he clutched his abdomen while taking shallow breaths. He was in shock as his body tried to process the trauma it just encountered. Gurgling on his blood, Hendery tried to stand up.

He needed to get back and warn Mark. Leeteuk was dangerous and he would die before he let his brother suffer the same fate he did.

But deep down Hendery knew it was too late. His breathing began to slow and his body began to feel numb.

He was dying.

As he laid on his back drifting into nothing Hendery heard another voice one he thought sounded strangely familiar.

"You were always the curious one Hendery...."

Xiaojun's Pov

He was starving. Xiaojun was always starving given his basic need to survive off blood. He hated it, but to live, he needed to feed. And the only thing that would quell his insatiable hunger was blood. He honestly hated that. Don't get him wrong he doesn't hate blood cause the idea sounds morbid to him. No, he could care less about the insignificant life of a mundane.

What he hated was the act of taking from them. They became clingy and desperate if hooked on a feed and Xiaojun hated a clingy desperate human. Which was why he preferred to feed on animals.

He never had to worry about a human getting too attached to him because of the toxins in his venom. The downside? Well, he was always hungry. Animal blood was good, but it would never be as filling as human blood; but, what else could he do right?

With that thought, Xiaojun began his hunt for his meal for the night. As he was searching, he suddenly smelled it. It was the most delicious thing he had ever smelled in his entire life. His fangs protruded from his upper jaw from the scent alone. It was because of this that Xiaojun began following the decadent scent.

What he saw next not only shocked but horrified him as well. It was a human viciously stabbed repeatedly. He was dying and as Xiaojun looked at the dying male on the forest floor, he felt something he hadn't felt in years.


Xiaojun felt fear as he stared at the pale-faced male who was losing blood too quickly.

He wouldn't make it, Xiaojun was sure of it. With that knowledge, the vampire knew he should have walked away. After all, humans were shallow-minded creatures with hearts full of selfishness and greed.

He hated them.

But as he looked at the dying male, Xiaojun felt his fear increase and panic begin to cease him. He should let him die, that's what all humans deserved.

However, Xiaojun found himself lowering his body to the male on the ground below, placing his mouth above the main artery that flowed directly to his heart.

I hope I don't regret this

Xiaojun chanted in his mind as he sank his fangs into the handsome male's neck and injected his venom into the bloodstream.

"I really hope I don't regret this....," Xiaojun whispered as he brushed the male's wet hair from his forehead.


I just wanted to say, this fic will have two different persons working on it.

Me < you're inexperienced author

My sister > a pro for these storylines

She will be helping me with a lot for this book and most of this chapter was written by her! I think she might be more excited than me 🙈

I be telling her to write (grrrr) because she's amazing at it and her imagination is everything Wattpad needs, but I don't make the rules 😭. Maybe you guys can convince her to do it someday.

Anyway, thank you all for supporting this book and supporting me. I promise not to write my a/n's this long for the next few chapters 😂

And for my "your eyes only" fans, do not fear! I will update that soon.

Love you guys :)
Stay healthy.

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