"What do you want to do first?"

"Take a shower."

"Okay" Leigh-Anne brought her up the stairs. As they walked past all the rooms perrie stared at the patients with their family members and balloons and gift bags and stuff. All the things she wished she had.

Leigh-Anne turned around when perrie stopped walking.

"Come on babe"

" I don't want anyone in my room"

"No one is in your room"


"I promise. Let's go get you a shower and in clean clothes."

Once in Perries personal room she went into the bathroom. She could still see the now brown dried blood on the walls where she bashed her head in.


"Yeah" Leigh-Anne walked in soon after.

"Oh, let me clean that up. Give me a second. Please don't do anything stupid or you will be right back where you came from." Perrie nodded watching her leave the room. She stared at the blood stain until Leigh-Anne got back. She had an armful of things.

She put it all down on the table.

"I got you a new jumpsuit. Normal underwear, deodorant, lotion, a toothbrush and toothpaste, shampoo and conditioner and some bleach."

"Well,Thats not for you" she took the spray bottle going into the bathroom and wiping down the walls and shower along with the sink and toilet.

"Let it air out a bit, it's real chemically in there."

"What do you mean?"

"It smells like chemicals"


"Why do you sound so sad"

"I don't know I keep getting my hopes up telling myself that someone would come to at least make sure I'm still alive in here."

"There is someone here to see you. I don't know if it's who you want to be here. But when you finish a nurse is going to take you to the room."


"Yes. I told you this earlier."

"Can it just be me and you today?"

"Yes, go have a shower first. Do you need help baby?"

"No I got it" Her voice was shaky. She didn't know why she was getting emotional but she was.

"Do you need help?" Leigh-Anne knew she needed help but she wanted Perrie to tell her or ask her. She wanted Perrie to stop being so in denial.

"I don't need help!!" Perrie shouted at Leigh-Anne. Angry tears running down her red cheeks. She wasn't mad at Leigh-Anne she was mad at herself for not being able to do simple things on her own. She wasn't in pain anymore but she just didn't want to shower, she didn't want to brush her teeth, she didn't want to do anything. But she was going to because she didnt want Leigh-Anne to think she was dirty. No one wants to date a dirty person.

"Perrie calm down. I asked you a simple question. You don't need to shout at me. That's not okay and it hurts my feelings." Leigh-Anne told her.

"Im sorry" Perrie began to cry, going into the bathroom and closing the door. She turned on the shower and stood under the water just like last time. She was having urges. Serious ones. She felt a breakdown coming.

"No. No. No. No. Please not right now" Perrie was trying to calm herself down a little bit. Leigh-Anne was straightening up Perries room. She was so nervous.

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