10: I'm Sure That's...

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"Oh, I tried," my mother responded, "but, I couldn't do it, you two looked so cute laying in that bed."

I smiled and Tyler asked: "Where's Debra?"

"Told me she had something to do, she'll be here later," it was his mom's turn to reply. Ty leaned over whisper something in my ear.

"Debra is my sister, same age as Caesar; Felicia here is my cousin, my aunt died of breast cancer when she was a baby, she's four; and if you couldn't tell the lady across the table is my mother."

I nodded and laughed to play it off as he lifted his mouth away from my ear, "You're an idiot."


A few hours later, Debra showed up and we all decided to go out. I felt a horrible guilt in my gut every time I looked around at my family. Tyler tried telling me that it wasn't lying... just withholding information.

Yeah, I'm sure that's what Nixon said about Watergate.

Later in the day we were back home, our mothers disappeared into the kitchen; Debra and Caesar headed upstairs; and Tyler and I sat out back watching Felicia play on my old play set.

"I don't know why, but this is eating me up inside. I feel like such an ass keeping all this crap from them for so long." I whispered.

"They'll be fine, besides we're telling the everyone right after dinner." He assured me. "Plus, we've got good news: you're pregnant... with twins." I smiled as I felt Felicia's body ram into mine once again. Goodness that was like the fifth time today. Tyler and I entertained my young cousin-in-law for the next hour until dinner. Once dinner was done, everyone sat down and engaged in conversation.

"So..." my mother-in-law started at one point, "Tyler, Anastasia, have any grandchildren for me and Rosa yet?" Debra and Caesar nearly choked.

"Mom," Debra commented, "don't rush them."

"Rush them? Cosa vuoi dire , sono passati sei anni. Voglio un nipote." ["What do you mean, it's been six years. I want a grandchild."]

"I know, but they'll have a baby when they're ready." Debra defended.

"They do have a baby." Felicia's voice cut through and my heart lurched for a second.

I looked at her, "What are you talking about, sweetie?"

"Tywer said you pregnant." She explained without looking up from her plate. " Aunt G say that mean... you have a baby."

My mom looked at at me, "Is this true?"

I glanced at Tyler before meeting her gaze, "Surprise?"

" ¡Oh Dios mío , ¿por qué no nos lo dijiste? " ["Oh my goodness, why didn't you tell us?"]

"Come hai potuto tenere questo da noi ? " ["How could you keep this from us?"] His mother added.

"Wanna tell me why I never learned Italian and you never learned Spanish?" I whispered to Tyler.

"Lazy, I guess. You wanna tell me why our mom's still talk like they're in their native countries when they've both been living in America our entire lifespan?"

"Who knows?" I finally interrupted their dramatic show, "Hey, hey guys calm down. The reason we kept this from you is because... um , well, I got like this... head injury."

"You didn't tell me you were having my grand baby because you bumped your head? You do that all the time, you're the clumsiest person I know."

I sighed, "No, mami, I was in a car accident and I got some problems, like with my memory."

"What happened?"

I looked at Tyler for help, "She can't really remember some stuff from her past," he concluded, "she forgot pretty much everything that has happened to her in the last ten years."

"What the hell..." Caesar commented, "like amnesia?"

"That's what they call it."

"When, why didn't you tell us?" Debra asked.

I shrugged, "I guess we had other stuff we needed to do."


[Tyler's POV]

All I wanted to do was eat my food before this hysteria started, somehow we ended up in the living room... when did that happen?

"How far along are you?" Rosa asked.

"Almost nine weeks, Mom."

"Are you going to learn the gender or are you going to leave it a surprise?" Debra asked next.

"I don't know, we'll know their sex whenever, we'll probably learn it at the twenty-eight week sonogram."

"Their, as in more than one?"

"Yep, I'm having Twins!"

I covered my ears at the sound of my mother scream along with my mother-in-law and sister.

There goes the night.

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