~Jealousy (Thomas)~

Start from the beginning

"Brenda? You okay?" Thomas called out as you quietly crept through the door panel and used all the muscles in your body to slide down to her.

"Yeah," she said from her spot on the glass. You could see as she pressed her hand against the glass that it caused more cracks to spiral in the glass.

"Don't. Move." you whispered to her. She nodded slightly.

You slid down further, latching onto a metal object before reaching an arm out to Brenda.

"Don't move!" Thomas yelled from above as Brenda tried to stand up on the glass anyways. You could hear the crunching as it began to crack under the weight of her even more. She reached out to grab your hand, but before she could a crank appeared at the door and fell down to where Brenda was.

In the midst of all the chaos, Thomas had slid down a little farther towards your position and Brenda. She was trying to hold the crank away from her so it couldn't bite her.

"Thomas, break the glass," you said.

"What?" he asked, shocked.

"Break the glass. Now!" you shouted.

He slid down the rest of the way, and you wrenched your hand around his as he kicked out the glass. It smashed and he caught Brenda with his free hand, holding his feet against the building's beams between the windows. The crank fell through and into the dust below as you held onto Thomas for dear life.

Brenda dangled for a second before Thomas, red-faced a weary hoisted her back up through the gap with pure adrenaline.

You began to make your way out of the building. Faster and more careful than your ever were the first time around.

When you reached solid ground, there was a strong urge to sit and take a few deep breaths. But before you could, Thomas pointed out something.

"Hey, you hear that?" Thomas asked, making sure he wasn't going insane.

"Yeah, it sounds like... people?" you said.

Brenda sat down on the ground. Exactly what you wanted to do.

"You alright?" Thomas asked her.

She pulled up her pant leg and you saw a bite mark as well as a deep slice through her skin on her calf.

"Shit." Thomas cursed.

"Brenda," you whispered.

"Yeah, yeah, I know." If you hadn't learned anything by now, it was that it was not to let those things touch you. She had been bitten. This means she would end up like Winston.

"I have extra bandages if you need it." you said, thinking back to Winston. You tossed them to her and watched her wrap her leg up. A glazed look came over your eyes as you remember what he had told you. Thomas watched with a blank face. He seemed to be thinking the same thing as you.

"Thanks, Let's just go find Marcus," Brenda said, finishing wrapping her leg and getting up. She dusted her pants off before staring at you with a hard gaze.

"What?" you asked.

"You're bleeding, y/n," Brenda says.

"Who She Loved" -  (Newt&Thomas x reader) The Scorch TrialsWhere stories live. Discover now