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"'You're so sweet,' Frypan said with a snort. 'Go ahead and die with Thomas. I think I'll sneak away and enjoy living with the guilt.'"

James Dashner, The Scorch Trials


At dinner, your dad came out with his clipboard, he smiled over at you before calling the names. After the last one, Thomas starts explaining his plan.

"Well, we should keep our heads down and try not to draw any attention to us," Newt tells Thomas. But it falls on deaf ears as Thomas slams his hands down into the table and stands up. You grab his wrist and he looks down at you before mouthing the words, "let go." You flinched back a bit and just stared down at the table. The sudden harshness from Thomas was weird. Inwardly you smiled as the emotions of mock confusion danced across your face, tricking everyone in the room. Newt grabs your wrist to comfort you. He pretended to notice you flinch, it was the perfect cover for Thomas's outburst. But you still didn't know why you flinched so harshly, it was like your body's response to it, even if you knew what was going to happen.

Aris, you learned, watches as Thomas follows the guards and tries to walk through but they stop him. He starts yelling at the guards so you walk over.

"Hey, sorry about my friend," you smile at them. They, of course, have to smile back so they do.

"No problem, Ms. Janson. Just make sure he doesn't do that again," one of the guards says.

"Will do, sir," you say before putting your hand on Thomas's back and leading him back to the table. But before you knew it Thomas runs back and pushes the guard. Newt and the rest of them get up and rush over, as the guard points an accusing finger at Thomas asking what's wrong with him.

"Nothing's wrong with him!" you shout at them as you stand in front of Thomas with your arms out to prevent further difficulties. Your father rushes out from behind them.

"What's happening here?!" he yells, and you flinch a bit. Not as much as before but it still was a response. Wait... why did I just do that? He's my dad. And Thomas too. Yeah, my body is messed up or something.

"Thomas, I thought we could trust each other," your dad says. "You know we're all on the same team here."

"Are we?" Thomas asks.

"Get them to their bunks," your dad tells the guards. You watch in alarm as they're dragged away and thrown back into the metal bunk room. However, your dad saved you the trouble.

"Y/n... y/n, aren't you ashamed of your friend?"

"That was embarrassing," you whispered.

"Yeah, it really was for us all, thank you for your efforts in trying to stop him."

"Um... You're welcome?" your father laughed at that.

"Y/n, I think it's time I show you something," he says mysteriously.

It was a long walk as he led you to the same hallway where you saw the tables and doctors go in the day before. "Do you trust me, y/n?" he asks before you enter.

"Who She Loved" -  (Newt&Thomas x reader) The Scorch TrialsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora