The New Neverland pt 2

Start from the beginning

"You see it, too?" Emma asked, glad to know she wasn't the only one.

"Since when has Henry ever wanted to stay out of the crossfire?" Y/n asked her sister.

"I know, I know," Emma said, and sighed. "But we don't have time for that right now. We have to find Gold to see if Pan is still locked in that box."

Taking a dreadfully saddened Mary Margaret away from Mother Superior after the nuns had taken her, they four Charmings ran as fast as they could back to Main Street to Gold's shop. Just as they got there, they arrived just in time to see him closing and locking up shop, Belle at his side like she often was. When Gold saw them all running right towards him, he stepped back and held up his hand.

"No, I'm afraid we're closed. Whatever crisis you're dealing with, I'm done for the day."

"Rumple," Belle scolded him slightly.

"Pandora's Box. Give it to me," Emma demanded, not bothering to explain.

"And why would I do that?" Gold questioned her, looking as if she had grown a second head.

"We need to open it." Y/n stated. She knew the idea sounded mental, but they had to discover what was going on, and they would need Pan for that.

"And let Pan escape? What, are you crazy?" Gold said as he looked among the family.

"Somehow, he's controlling the shadow from inside the box. Henry's life is in danger," Mary Margaret said.

"And you think letting Pan out will change that?"

"Yes. Because we can stop him. Finally. And forever," Emma said.

"All due respect, Miss Swan, we barely succeeded in apprehending him the first time," Gold stated, although not much respect in his tone. "If I've learned one thing, it's not to tempt fate."

"I am not looking to apprehend him. Wouldn't you rather be sure he's gone?" Emma asked, tempting to the darker side of Gold, and herself.

Gold seemed to consider this, asking, "Well, what do you have in mind?"

"We bring him somewhere he can't hurt us. Somewhere he can't use his magic," Emma told him, and Gold caught her meaning.

"You wish to release him at the town line?" Gold deduced, and Emma nodded. Gold let out a sigh, looking to Belle before walking back to his door and unlocking it, going inside as they followed. Undoing the enchantment on the floor, Gold grabbed Pandora's Box, and the six of them headed out towards the town line in their cars. Gold had his shawl he used for getting past the line, looking to himself to do the work as he got out of his car. "There's no magic beyond the town line. If we release Pan outside Storybrooke, he'll be powerless to fight back."

"Uh-uh," Emma stopped him, holding out her hand. "I'm doing this."

"I can cross the line and retain my memories," Gold fought back.

"It's not about that. There's no magic over there. All due respect, the real world is my expertise," Emma stated, and took out her gun before crossing over the bright orange town line. "I'm gonna deal with Pan on my terms."

"He is my father."

"It's my hunch," Emma said, preparing herself for Pan as she stood outside Storybrooke. "If I fail, you're more than welcome to pick up the pieces.

"Emma, be careful," Mary Margaret said.

"Good luck," Y/n called to her sister, who nodded and prepared her gun.

Gold, staying behind the town line, waved his hand over Pandora's Box. The gears on the sides turned as the red jewel lifted, and Gold placed the box on the outside of the town line just before the red smoke started the flow from it. Those behind the line stepped back as Emma raised her gun, and watched as Pan formed on the ground, laying down on his side. Emma quickly cocked her gun as the others flinched back a little bit, Pan looking around in confusion as he got up from the ground. He gave a startled look to those behind the line, who glared at him, before he turned to Emma, seeing the gun pointed right at his face.

Only Be Dark: OUAT/Killian JonesWhere stories live. Discover now