Chapter 4 : Exile

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I woke up feeling worse than mediocre as usual while in exile and groaned when I remembered Dream saying he's bringing someone new to meet me. Great, just perfect. I not only have to deal with Dream but the person he's bringing along with him. The warning he gave makes it sound like he hasn't told them that this is his sick and twisted way of torturing me. If that's true, who knows, she might become a friend and be another person to keep me sane, and as long as I do as Dream says, he'll probably let them keep visiting if he wants her on his side... what if he finds some way to use her against me.

I was lost in thought about the new person for a while until I was snapped back into reality by turning and seeing someone in front of me. "Dream? What's with the shitty wardrobe change and why do you have a chicken," I asked trying to hide that they actually scared me a little.

To my surprise, instead of hearing Dream give a sarcastic response, I heard a girl laugh, "pffftt, hahaha, I'm not Dream. Hi I'm (g/n) and this is Plucky, I assume Dream told you I was going to visit."

"I-uhh yeah he did, I'm Tommy," I said a bit startled. It was then that I noticed Dream about twenty blocks away, at least she doesn't sound offended, he might literally kill me if she took it as an insult, which it was just not for her.

We sat on a couple of logs just outside my tnret and talked for a bit, finding that we both have a love for music discs and ended up arguing over which one is the best while Plucky peacefully slept in the tnret.

(Y/n) pov
"Hi Tommy, how are you today," I heard someone behind me ask, "is that you Dream,"

"I'm not Dream but I see where the mix-up could have hap-" I turned around and stopped talking mid sentence falling back in surprise almost causing my mask to fall off. Plucky heard and came over, making sure I was okay.

"I'm sorry, did I scare you. My name is Ghostbur and as you can probably tell I'm a ghost," the ghost who identified himself as Ghostbur greeted.

"It's fine. You just started me a little," I said. Okay I was not expecting that I thought once my breath fully evened out. "It's not everyday you see a ghost."

The three of us talked for a while longer as Dream watched from the side, rarely talking and he seemed like he was waiting for something to happen. Tommy showed me his misspelled tent and somewhere he built that he called Logstedshire. He showed me the beach and said he was hosting a party there in a couple of days and invited me. They also very briefly mentioned a area next to the dsmp called L'manburg and while with them I found out that Ghostbur also couldn't remember much from before he died, however, unlike me whenever Tommy would try to tell Ghostbur anything about Wilbur (which I learned was alive Ghostbur's name) Ghostbur refused to listen and would rather stay oblivious.

I wonder what happened for him to want to block it out so much. Maybe ignorance is bliss.

After a few hours, Dream and I needed to go back to the house before it turned dark so I said bye to them both. Ghostbur happily said goodbye back, but when Tommy did, it sounded like a mixture of sadness and loneliness, so before we left I reassured him I would visit again for the beach party which looked like it cheered him up a bit.

"Hey Dream why does Tommy and Ghostbur live alone even though there are more people in L'manburg and the dsmp," I asked

Dream took a moment before answering. He never went into detail but told me that the relationship between L'manburg and the dsmp has never been a stable one and that something had to be done when Tommy burned his friends house down, "So I put him in exile," he said waiting for my response.

"What does that mean," I asked.

"Think of it as a sort of time out or him being grounded. It gives him some time to think about what he's done and it keeps others safe while he does it," he said careful explaining.

"Won't he get lonely, how long does he have before he can leave," I asked.

"He's allowed to have visitors and Ghostbur stays with him most the time. As for how long he has left, I'd say about ten days, don't tell him though, it's not official and could change depending on if he behaves." Dream said the last part slowly making it sound like he was unsure, "but anyway you look like you could do with some proper equipment. Want to go mining tomorrow I can see if anyone else wants to tag along as well if you want to meet more of the others," Dream said quickly changing the conversation.

I was unsure. He was right that I needed resources but I'm not sure if I could go to another cave, not after what happened. I could tell he connected the dots because of my hesitation and previously mentioned death by creeper and skeleton yet he didn't say anything to stop or persuade me to go. "I'll go as long as you go with me and stay close by," I said.

"So you were travelling with someone else when it happened," he said referring to my death. I stopped, surprised that he seemed to know exactly what happened from what I told him. I just looked at the floor and nodded sadly, "Don't worry about the mobs I'll sort them out but even though I don't doubt my abilities and I'll be on guard in the cave, if ever I'm not there I still want a you to be able to protect yourself. I know it's not the best and you don't like to harm things, but take this with you," he said handing me a bow with infinity and an arrow. I held it for a few seconds and it felt strangely familiar to me.

I aimed at a small branch on a tree, holding my breath before shooting and hitting it causing the branch to completely shatter.

I saw a redstone target that was moving around the nearby trees and I shot it near the middle while the blury figure watched. I couldn't see their face yet I knew they were proud, "How about we really see how good you at shooting," they said putting a mark on one of the small branch with there axe, "see if you can hit that."

I looked at the brand for a moment before aiming at it. I breathed slowly before holding my breath to lock on to my target. I let the arrow go, hitting the branch, breaking it instantly, "Woah, you actually hit it, that branch was tiny. You definitely sure you've never used a bow before," the figure asked surprised.

"Yep never used one before now, guess I'm a natural," I said laughing.

"You can say that again," the figure responded.

(End of flashback)

"Your very skilled with a bow," Dream said surprised.

"Thanks, I'm pretty sure I learned from a friend."

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