Chapter 3 : They're a ghost?

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Dream pov

I was walking around the forest trying to relax for once (seriously who knew keeping someone in exile and under control would be so stressful). It was getting dark and I was a out to leave when I saw someone at the 'spawn box'.

I got a closer look from behind a tree and, I don't know why but, she seems different compared to everyone else on the server. It looked like they had next to no gear, and with it about to turn night, I decided to keep an eye out just in case, after all no one else would find her until tomorrow with it being this late. I thought for a second before realising that if I help her she would trust me more than anyone else since I found her first.

All I need to do is wait till she's in real danger and then I'll help to have a better chance of her trusting me.

Mobs now began to spawn and I got a bit closer again to see how well they could defend them self and to run in to help if things suddenly got bad, but, I had to retreat slightly when the chicken in her arms noticed me.

Immediately after this, a spider walked towards her fully ready to attack. On the other hand the girl stood there with an axe in her shaking hands. She looked in shock and quickly ran.

I ended up losing her within the trees for a few minutes. I completely stopped and focused on trying to listen to see if I could hear her. Within seconds I heard mobs making noises back at the spawn box so I dashed back.

I spotted her just as a creeper blew up and she fell to the ground. A skeleton readied their bow trying to use this moment to it's advantage, but I was faster. I swung my axe and left the mob as bones beneath my feet. "Are you alright," I asked tapping her on the shoulder with no response. I tried to check for their pulse but she didn't have one yet she was still breathing somehow. It was then that I realised her arm was translucent. It honestly caught me off guard, "they're a ghost?" I asked myself, knowing that I wouldn't get a definite answer until she woke up. I tried picking her up to bring her somewhere safe out the way of the new mobs that were beginning to spawn but the chicken she was with pecked my wrist. "Ow, Hey, it's ok I'm trying to help," I said slightly annoyed.

After this I was able to pick her up and the chicken sat on her stomach, I assume as a way to protect her. It stared at me the whole trip until I found an abandoned house to use as a shelter.

I carefully put her on a bed downstairs and used one of my splash potions of healing before I left to help her recover quicker.

Since it was late and I was in a house for once I went upstairs to find another bed and slept for the first time in a while.

(G/n) pov

Everything was dark, "Help me," I was panicking, "Help me," I heard whizzing coming from arrows behind me, "HELP ME" I screamed, jolting awake when someone tapped my shoulder.

"Are you okay," the stranger in green asked, clearly surprised by my sudden outburst.

I took a second to slow my breathing before responding, "I ummm, yeah I'm fine. I'm fine," it felt like I had to reassure myself more than him, "Wait where's-" I tried asking before being cut off.

"The chicken? He was sleeping on your bed but I heard you starting to sleep talk loudly. I came in the room to see if you were okay but you were just repeating the words help me over and over so I put him on the floor incase you suddenly moved, here," he said giving Plucky to me.

"Plucky, you're okay," I said tearing up slightly, "Thank you so much ummm,"

"Dream, and you are?" He asked.

"I'm (y-... (G/n). My names (g/n)" I said trying to hide the sadness behind my eyes. I knew he knew I'm a ghost, It's pretty obvious, because of my translucent skin. "And before you ask, it was a creeper and skeleton that got me," I said wanting to get the question out of the way and Dream nodded, showing that he understood.

After getting that out of the way, Dream began to tell me about the land that he's from called the dsmp and mentioned that there's quite a few people living there. It sounded nice but I didn't want anyone to find out that I'm a ghost incase they treat me differently. After telling him this he was able to find something for me to.

The dsmp sounded like a great place to get back on my feet but I wanted to be sure of something before I agreed to living there, "You won't tell anyone I meet right," I asked.

"Your secret's safe with me," he said offering me a long cloak and mask which I took happily.

Dream's really kind and reassuring and he doesn't ask questions about my previous life. Either he's uninterested or he knows that it will make me feel uncomfortable, he seems nice so I think he's just looking out for me.

I wonder if he's seen or met another ghost before.

Dream pov (2 days later)

"You know the drill Tommy, drop your items in the hole," I said getting ready to leave, "Oh by the way a new person arrived a couple days ago. She's a bit shy so I'm going to bring her here first to meet you and Ghostbur before introducing them to all the others. And remember Tommy, we're friends aren't we," I warned him, lighting the tnt to exploding his things.

"I understand Dream," Tommy said looking down at what was once his things.

"Good. I'll bring her along tomorrow."

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