𝟤. 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓈𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃

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He quickly got himself up, brushed himself down and ran, knowing the men that were chasing him would begin to climb over the way he did.

Sure enough, when Yoongi looked back, he saw two of the men had made it over, while the third was making his way over. 

Yoongi faced in front of him again, continuing to run.

There was no point in calling for help. It was the middle of the night. The only people awake were drunk or wouldn't want to get involved.

Yoongi didn't stop for even a moment, running through the empty markets and dark roads. Every house had its lights out and doors covered. Yoongi panted, knowing that no matter how hard he tried, the men would get him eventually.

As if fate was against him tonight, Yoongi felt something collide with him from behind, sending them both to the ground. One of the men had caught up with him and flung himself at Yoongi, stopping the prince.

Yoongi stood up quickly, fighting off the first man. He managed to knock him down when the other two arrived.


Nari shot awake.

She'd heard something. Had she? Or was it from her dream?

But she hadn't been dreaming.

Nari then heard it again. It was faint, meaning it was coming from a little distance away.

Nari sighed, grabbing something next to her.

"Those people really need to set limits when they go drinking," Nari muttered as she exited her room.


Yoongi curled around his stomach as one of the men kicked him again.

He felt one of the men move him onto his back, and caught the glint of a small knife.

"You know, I don't really get why your brother wanted us to give you the same scar he has," the man with the knife chuckled. "Perhaps it's so you know what it felt like, all those years ago."

Yoongi tried to get up, but the other two men were holding him down. The man with the knife grabbed Yoongi's face, keeping it still as the knife got closer and closer. Yoongi tried to move his head away, but the man had a firm grip.

"No hard feelings, right?" the man smirked. This was an evil smirk though.

And that was when the man sliced his knife across Yoongi's right eye.

Yoongi let out a huge cry, the pain visible in his voice as his right hand instinctively reached up to cover his wounded eye. He could feel the warm blood gushing out and through his hand, making his breathing begin to quicken.

He didn't want to die. Not yet.

Not at the hands of these men. Not at the hands of his brother.

"Alright, what now?" Yoongi heard one of the men ask.

"Now we take him back to the palace, no matter how ugly it gets," another man answered.

Yoongi felt one of the men grab his arm, and then let out and scream in pain.

"Bullseye..." Nari muttered.

She took out another arrow, aiming at the ground nearby to the men.

She fired, the arrow hitting where she'd aimed. The men seemed to grow scared after that and ran, leaving the injured man alone and on the ground.

"King Agust is going to kill us," Yoongi heard a man say as they ran.

Yoongi could feel his body beginning to slowly shut down, most likely because of how much blood he was losing.

Despite how run down he felt, he heard someone run over, drop something beside them both and turn him over to face them. It was too dark to see, but he saw a flower clip in the person's hair.

"Hey, stay with me," a voice said. Female, and she sounded young. "You'll be alright."

Yoongi felt his hand get removed from his eye and fabric get placed over his eye to stop the bleeding. He felt the other hand wrap around the back of his body, supporting him against his saviour.

He felt exhausted, whether it was from the running or the beating. He knew he had to keep his eyes open... did he even have a right eye anymore?

Nevertheless, staying awake was slowly becoming more and more difficult.

"Father, get the ward ready!"

That was the last thing Yoongi heard before he gave into the darkness.

Every Scar holds a Memory - DaechwitaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat