chapt 2: where am i?

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During his class sylus starts expiencing pain in his wound from several years ago. "Miss can I please leave?" He said the second he felt the pain,
"What is it this time? Another memory of your farther lord 9th?" His teacher replied mockingly
"Can I leave!?" He said this with some threat in his voice and slightly shouting
Before she could answer He was out the door.
His teacher follows him out but when she leaves the room he was gone.

("W..where am I?" Sylus asked slowly,
"Welcome though you aren't supposed to come so early!" A voice sated to him.
Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his fresh wound.
"I could have fun with this one" it said one last time with joy.
Sylus quickly looks down to see his wound now healed. He ran as fast as he could only to find something. A person? No but a deamon
"Why are you here? Your just a kid wait a minute are you the kid that I just watched die ?" It stated wilst putting its popedcorn down
"Well you aren't supposed to be here for another 5 years so goodbye." It moves its hand after saying that calm fully.
Suddenly, he disappears and wakes up.
Sylus shouts as loud as he could. The women is now on fire this black and blue flames)

"What do you want azra?" Sylus said, rudely.
"Well isnt that rude!" She replied in mock ajitatuon, but it's finally time, that guy is ready. We're all waiting for you, bring uhh Aj would you." Azra

sylus; new beginningsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora