Info-Kun x Ayato Oneshot

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At the ripe time of 6:00 AM, Ayato's alarm blared the usual tone as he went to turn it off. Slowly he did his tasks like every other day, every other week, over and over again. He didn't know how long it had been since he met Info-Kun and started plotting against all of his rivals for Taeko's heart. It all started with a simple text that simply read:

XXX-XXX-XXXX - "Hello Ayato Aishi. I have heard that you have a little crush on a girl named Taeko Yamada, but are having trouble due to a few... obstacles. I am willing to help you in this matter if you do something for me in return.."

Ayato Aishi - "What do I need to do?"

Since then, Info-Kun has been giving me advice and even dropping useful items behind the school. I've taken so many poor boys' lives one after the other, but she can't seem to notice me, no matter how many times I've killed for her and only her. To be quite honest, I've started to lose hope. She's so perfect, like an angel.. yet I guess that's why so many people go to her.

'Regardless, I need to focus today,' I told myself, especially since it was Friday. This was the day that that annoying little tsundere, Osano, was going to confess to my Senpai under the mystical cherry blossom tree. I quickly headed to school on my bike, hoping to get to the footlockers on time.

A silent 'Ding!' went off in my pocket, and I knew it was Info-Kun reminding me to hurry the hell up or I'll miss my chance. But, in the back of my mind, I knew she wouldn't turn down Osano. Therefore, I had to take some more drastic measures...

Carrying the bright blue bucket of dumbells from the gym, I headed towards the rooftop where the un-suspecting Osano would be right under. But when I turned to look down before dropping the dumbells, I realized it was another student: Kokona. I could recognize that purple-haired girl immediately and started to wonder why Osano wasn't there.

"He should be right here.." I mumbled aloud and sat the heavy bucket away from the railing. If I killed Kokona, it would only bring unwanted attention to a murderer in the school, and that's the exact opposite effect I wanted. "Maybe I can just make him go missing for a few days," I mumbled again, remembering the deed I did for the brother of the Yakuza before. Thankfully, I still had the nurse's keys from when I poisoned my Senpai's bento box, so I ran down the school steps to the bright pink and white room, leaving the heavy bucket behind on the roof.


Now it was 4:00 PM; when cleaning time is supposed to end. I had the syringe hidden in my front pocket, making sure that it wasn't visible and had no chance of falling out when I went to talk to Osano. He was finishing cleaning the fountain in the school plaza, something I wasn't surprised to see. Raibaru was talking with my Senpai a few yards away, which I used to my advantage to ask Osano to follow me. He agreed, and we walked to the gym on the other side of the school. From there, we went into the storage closet.

"So, what is it you wanted to talk about?" Osano asked nervously, clearly not comfortable in such a small place with another person. "Well," I said, stepping closer to him. "I was wondering what relationship you have with Taeko-San." My voice came out smooth and innocent, just as I had wanted. Osano's face flushed a bright pink and turned away from my gaze. "W-well.. we've been best friends since childhood.." He turned back to look at me with a suspicious look on his face. "Why do you ask?" "Oh, just curious.." I said quietly and started to reach for my front pocket where the syringe was hidden.

In a heartbeat, we both heard knocking on the closet door. "Hello? Osano are you in there? Raibaru and I were looking for you.." 'Shit!' I thought to myself, looking around wildly. I hid in the corner where the baseball bats were being held as Osano opened the doors. "Oh sorry Senpai, I was just talking to- Huh? Where'd he go.." He looked back into the empty storage closet and mumbled, "I must be making stuff up again.."

'That was way too close! Why is everything going wrong today, first on the rooftop and now in the storage closet?' I asked myself, running away from the gym towards the boys' changing room. Hot steam hit my face as I sat down on a nearby bench, pondering through my thoughts. I checked my phone: 5:40. It was almost time for Osano to confess his stupid feelings for my Senpai. Rage bubbled inside the empty pit that was supposed to be my heart. 'I should have done enough for Senpai to reject that carrot-headed tsundere..' I assured myself and walked to the wall of the empty pool beside the running track. It was now 6:00, the time that decided my fate. Small cherry blossom petals swarmed around the bright pink tree, littering the ground around it as Osano stepped out behind the great trunk. Taeko looked at him with a questioning face as he shouted his feelings with such force that I'm sure anyone 5 miles away could've heard it. "Please..." I whispered quietly, waiting for the moment to end...

..But it never did. Blossom petals swarmed the new couple as they embraced and I fell to my knees, heartbroken. This aching in my heart, I've felt it so many times before, and I hated it.

Every. Single. Time.

I lay knees on the ground with my head in my hands, crying silently. Suddenly I felt a hand brush my shoulder, and a comforting sensation overcame me as I realized who it was. Info-Kun walked to my front and kneeled, making sure that I could see him. "Come on Ayato, let's go home.." I didn't say anything nor resist as he took my hand and pulled me towards my home. The school looked so pretty in the sunset, with a few petals dancing occasionally along the sidewalk. Tears streamed down my face as I looked back at it with remorse. We stayed holding hands, even as I reached my house and finally unlocked the door. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" The red-headed male said reassuringly as I nodded and muttered a weak "Okay."


Info-Kun POV:

Ayato closed the door and I felt myself swoon over how lucky I was to have my plans work. I had called Osano to say that the headmaster had needed him for something before the bucket crashed down on his body, and again to Taeko when she was looking for him after cleaning time. Although it makes my heart ache to see Ayato weep, again and again, I know that I still have a chance for him to be mine and only mine...


- Peppermint_Jester

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Word count: 1174

Edited: ❌

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