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Such a good day




No Atsum-

"Y/N!" Fuck

What the hell I've done in my past life to deserve this


To explain what actually happened

It seems that since the first time I met the Miya twins, my fate has already decided to be their 'new best friend'— quote from Atsumu. And there's no way to back out

Ever since then, I spend my school life with two similar looking boys glued to my each side. They even have decided their own places. Atsumu left and Osamu right.

For the first week, I must say this development is bearable and quite enjoyable. I can't deny I enjoy their company.

But, oh boy

Can I get a refund for the older twin?

Osamu? No problem

Atsumu? Sigh

How can they be the same yet different at the same time

Atsumu give me a total headache

He just CANNOT NOT talking

There's always something for him to talk about. He just never ran out of topic for conversation

I really don't understand how Osamu able to stand him since birth

Anyway ,
Today is the day I decide to sacrifice my break time to run away from them, well Atsumu to be exact while Osamu is the one who help my escapade.

Too bad, our plan seems to fail

"Sorry Y/N," Osamu look guiltily at me.

"It's alright, 'Samu" I pat his shoulder.

"Y/N" The menace


"Y/N" My headache is coming





"WHAT?!" / "ATSUMU!"

The bastard only giggling seeing me and Osamu about to go crazy. "Ehehehehehehehehehehe"

"Osamu let's take him to doctors,"


"Yes, he's finally going crazy. Imma tell our parents after school."

"Oy oy oy! I'm not crazy!"

"Then stop acting like one." I said while accepting a pack of snacks from Osamu.

Smack "Yeah 'Tsumu, or else Y/N who will end up going crazy first."

"What is that smack for!"

I smacked Atsumu in the head too. "So you come to your senses."

"Fine, fine! I will stop. Jeez, you both are no fun!"




Ah, finally peace and quiet

"Can I ask you something Y/N?"

It's not usual for Osamu to have questions "What?"

"How can he talk and I'm not!"

Osamu and I only glare at him

"...so unfair,"

Sigh, "If you have a question then ask me after he's done, 'Tsumu."

"..but I don't have a question.." I'm too tired for this

"Are you still gonna be 1st grader next semester, Y/N?"

"What kinda stupid question is that 'Samu?" Atsumu look at his twin weirdly

"You are the stupid one! Besides I ask Y/N not you."

"I will be 2nd grader."

"But aren't you absent from school for 10 months?"

"Oh I see. You mean I have many absences and might have to repeat?"


"You don't have to worry."


Should I tell them?
Not like it's a big deal tho

"Actually last week I requested to get tested."


"You requested to have tested? Isn't only the 10 years old above that have an exam?"

"Yup. I request to have an exam. To be exact the same one as the 6th grader."

"EEHH!?" / "HUH!?"

"What? It's only an exam, no biggie."

"So you mean, you request to have the same exam as the 6th grader so you can enter the 2nd grade next semester?"


They look at me dumbfounded

"WOAH YOU'RE SO SMART Y/N!!" Atsumu suddenly scream and shaking my shoulder like crazy

"If you already so smart, why not just move to the 6th grade tho?"

"Nah, too troublesome."

"You are so cool Y/N!" Atsumu look at me with sparkling eyes

"You are cool too 'Tsumu."

"He's not."

"You are cool too 'Samu."


I'm enjoying the moment while go back napping

Too bad I don't get to see the twins that as red as tomato

What a good day

"Y/N, I have a question!"
"Shoot, 'Tsumu."
"Why do you always sleep, Y/N?"
"Because I want to."
"Aren't you bored to alwaaaays sleeping?"
"I'm bored if I'm not sleeping."
"But- but you can also sleep at home! Why in school too!?"
"Sleep just hits different at school."

I read somewhere that in the Japanese school system, students do not have any exams (only small tests?) until they reach the age of ten (4th grader). Also the reason for the risk to repeat a year only because not attending more than 70% of classes.

I'm sorry if this is wrong:"

Sorry for short chapter

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