The Day Fate Rang

Start from the beginning

"Zora Vanguard." My attention snapped to Mister Kyper as everyone else kind of looked around.

"Trevor Brig and Zora Vanguard to table 16 please." Mister Kyper instructed and I silently cursed, seeing if there was any way to hide behind my curtain of straight, black, waist-length hair. But no. Of course not. Everyone wanted to know who got the privilege of sitting and being partners with Trevor. They recognized me instantly even though they hadn't recognized my name. But again, of course.

Trevor for his part didn't seem to care. We both just walked to the table with the number 16 on it and I grabbed the corner of most corner seats in the class wordlessly.

"You're smart right?" Trevor leaned toward me and whispered as the teacher continued assigning people and places.

I snorted sardonically, "It's only one of the top three things your friends tease me about." I chuckle shortly, "Why?"

Trevor seems to ignore my tone and shrugs, "I'm really not good with science." One of the girls who had wanted to be his partner sneers as she purposefully walks down our side of the classroom; her partner already at their desk farthest to the left and second from the front.

"Careful, she'll probably want to get hands-on with the anatomy homework." It's then that I remember her name.

"Well Kelsey, it might be a good idea for you. It looks like you confused your face with your vulva today." I sigh in mock sadness as she huffs and Trevor gives a reluctant chuckle.

"That was mean." He shakes his head. I said nothing and Mister Kyper called the class to attention.

"Since this is an upper-level class we'll have a project or paper due every two weeks for the first eight weeks and then a big project due before winter break." The whole room groaned. "But..." Kyper emphasized the 'T', "This is the only homework you'll have. I'm not checking anything between now and any due date unless you ask me to specifically." He grins and continues.

"When you get back from winter break there will only be review for your First Semester Finals at the end of February. The Finals will only be 33% multiple choice. So it is vital that you take review seriously." He looks pointedly at a few people.

"Again, there will be no tests or pop quizzes unless you give me a reason to do so. It's work for both you and me, and so punishment for us both."

"The second half of the school year will look like this semester on a diet. You're all seniors and I know you have a billion and a half things I literally can't care about but are important to you. So please, let's all get along and get through the year." He claps his hand in a prayer motion dramatically. "Any questions?"

"Hell yeah!" A boy at the front of the class cheers and then embarrassedly mumbles, "I mean no questions. Just excited."

Everyone laughs with him and whoops some more 'hell yeah's.

"Can I borrow your phone?" Trevor turns to me before class is over.

"For what?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"We have a lot of projects and stuff to do. You're going to need my number." He explains and honestly, I'm shocked. Usually, I'd be left to do all the work by myself. Really, he still could leave me to do it all but the pretense was a change of pace.

I unlock my phone and go to 'Add Contact' before handing it over to him. I get worried when I see more than a phone number being typed in.

"Hey can I send this picture of you in a bikini to myself for your contact pic?"

I snatch my phone back, deleting the winky face and smirking devil from his contact name then save it.

All the popular dudes are fuckboy dickheads. I think and sigh in relief when the bell signalling the end of class rings. I bolt for the rear door of the classroom and make my way to my Government class.

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