chapter 6

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After YN gotten back his stolen technology back from YN the cullens it's a good thing they didn't turn them in into the hands of humans the world is not ready for this type of technology or this technology is not for humans but the one thing YN can't stop thinking about is his birth mother Rosalie Hale YN can't stop thinking about her but why should he think about her she abandoned him and that's so call place of an orphanage years ago

YN is his ship with his mask off but he had his armor on holding his locket looking at the two pictures of him and Rosalie his mother then he got a call from Scarface his father and answered

Scarface yautja language: hello YN

YN yautja language: hello father why have you called

Scarface yautja language: I wanted to see how are you doing on your hunt

YN yautja language: I'm doing fine father

Scarface yautja language: YN is there something wrong

YN yautja language: I'm fine

Scarface yautja language: is there something troubling you my son I know when something is troubling you I've known you since you were a little child I practically raised you all by myself tell me what it is so I can help you

YN explain to Scarface about the cullens and his birth mother Rosalie

Scarface yautja language: you know who your birth mother is YN

YN yautja language: yes but she wants me to accept her as my mother but why should I she abandoned me as soon I was born

Scarface yautjalanguage: that why you should keep an eye on her

YN yautja language: thanks father for the advice goodbye

Scarface yautja language: goodbye my son have a good hunt

The call ended and YN looks at the locket something this telling YN to accept Rosalie but no she abandoned him and for this feeling to go away is to kill her


YN is walking is the woods holding the right side of his abdomen as he was injured after calling more gang members he stop and grab his healing kit and starts injecting into his left arm and then his left leg then his abdomen and it was pain full as YN try not to roar in pain but the pain was unbeatable as YN let out a roar of pain he finish feeling his balloons and goes on to continue his hunt

???: YN

YN turned around to sees Rosalie

YN: what do you want

Rosalie: I want you come with me please my son I love you

YN: oh now you love me after you abandoned me

Rosalie: abandoned you no YN I had to leave for your safety

YN: DON'T YOU DARE LIE TO ME how long did it took you to forgot about me a month a week you abandoned me and left me to die

Rosalie: that's not what happened

YN: Scarface always told me focus on I want to achieve and it'll happen you know what I want now huh I want you dead

Rosalie: please YN don't do this

YN: too bad

YN got out his wrist blade and goes for the kill but Rosalie block and pushed him away as YN shot his two Plasma Cannons and Rosalie is gone

YN: you can't hide from me I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN

YN goes in his cloak and jumps on the tree and hunts for Rosalie he turn on his vampire vision and he sees Rosalie and he shot his two Plasma Cannons but Rosalie Dodge the shot then jump on the tree that YN is on and he goes to slab her with his wrist blade as she grab his arm before the blade touched her

Rosalie: YN stop I can help you

YN: there no helping me

YN punch her and goes in cloak again and disappear Rosalie started to look around for him on the ground and she hear him from behind and she feels a blade hit her back making her go in pain and she Dodge a Shuriken

YN: you can't win this

Rosalie: YN stop I know what they said to you about me abandoned but that's not true

YN: don't pretend to understand

YN changed at her with his combi stick ready and goes for the kill Rosalie Dodge his attacks but she sees and skilled he is and she grab the spear

Rosalie: stand down my son

YN: don't call me that that's not who I am

YN headbutts her and disappear Rosalie searches for him and she sees him in his cloak and she jumps on the tree that's he's on as YN got out his Dagger and goes to slab her but Rosalie knocked it out of his hand and pinned him

Rosalie: you're my son YN don't make them get in your head

YN push Rosalia away

YN: stop stop talking to me

YN charge at Rosalie and tackled her as they hit the ground YN mask falls off and his head was cut open as green blood leaked out as Rosalie sees this making her shocked because his blood was green YN looks at Rosalie

YN: you did this to me

Rosalie: I'm sorry

YN: you left me to rot in that so place called an orphanage for over years with them

Rosalie: it's not too late we can fix this together

YN aims his Plasma Pistol at Rosalie and was ready to fire but he couldn't and he sees that she really cared about him he lowered his Plasma Pistol and looks down as tears was going down his face Rosalie goes to call Esme about the news

Rosalie: Esme I found YN

Esme: wait you've found YN my god is he's alright

Rosalie: no no he's not

YN looks at Rosalie as he's vision was starting go blurry and then he goes unconscious Rosalie waited as the rest of the cullens arrived to sees YN on the ground unconscious Emmett pick him up they brought him to the house Carlisle starts treating YN head as the cullens watch as they sees his blood is green

Rosalie: is he's alright

Carlisle: he's fine Rosalie he's just needs rest and wait for him to wake up

Rosalie nodded and the cullens go on a hunt but Rosalie decided to stay and watch YN unconscious body until he's wakes up

To be continue

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