03 | everything

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olivia ↬ lindsey

today 7:14pm

hey girly! if ur not busy tonight would
u wanna go to a movie
( delivered 7:14pm . . . )

or we can go tomorrow
( delivered 7:14pm . . . )

but if it could just be the two of us
instead of all three of you and me that
would be great. like a little us date
( delivered 7:15pm . . . )

or we can to go the mall! we'll have
to be back before 4 tho cause i have
a hair appointment
( delivered 7:17pm . . . )

im going back to brown!
( delivered 7:17pm . . . )

today 9:22pm

are u at practice or smth
( delivered 9:22pm . . . )

thought u weren't doing that until u
( delivered 9:22pm . . . )

oh brooke is streaming and shes
( delivered 9:23pm . . . )

are u with her
( delivered 9:23pm . . . )

what's the game your playing?
( delivered 9:24pm . . . )

who are these people lindsey
( delivered 9:25pm. . . )

like i recognize brooke and her and
lana but who r the boys
( delivered 9:26pm . . . )

i can't tonight or tmmr

idk i met them today


what about wednesday?


i'd prefer around 12. i have plans in
the morning with marissa and then
i work at 5

i was thinking we could go shopping
cause i actually need a new dress
for a date

i can pick you up?

it's ok i'll meet u there


you'd pass the mall coming from shelby's
house so what's the point in coming to get
me if ur passing where we're going? you'd
waste gas. i'll just meet u there

oh yeah ur right

okay meet at the mall at 12? we can
grab lunch too!

i can't stay for long cause i have class at 3
but sounds good


why don't we just do a different day

i'd wanna spend more than less than
3 hours with you

what ab friday at 2? lunch?

okay!!!! :)
( read 10:03pm . . . )


"YOU'RE SO MEAN oh my god," Lauren whispers, tapping rapidly on her upper lip with her index finger as Lana scrolls through imessages.

"Not her refusing to say my name," Tina chortles, eyes skimming the texts from over Lana's shoulder.

"Dude I know," Lindsey answers, though her eyes remain focused on her computer screen. A game of solitaire is open, midway through, the bright green backdrop resembling worsten cloth burning her eyes. "We've been friends with T longer than we've even known Olivia so I dunno know why she gets so upset when I hang out with Tina instead of her."

Lana frowns, passing the phone over to Lauren so she may continue reading. She never quite understood what Olivia had against Tina, for Tina was one of the sweetest people alive (when she wants to be). Lana does have an inkling as to what the issue is however. For Olivia's sake (and her sisters', honestly) she'll stay silent until she has proof.

"Olivia also lives here and Tina doesn't. I feel like it's a natural thing to talk to someone who doesn't live near you more, you know?" Lana expresses gently, afraid of wording her thoughts wrongly. "Especially since Olivia sees or texts you everyday." Nervously wringing her hands, Lana downcasts her gaze when Lindsey meets her eye.

"So true!" Tina pipes up. She leans over the back of the couch to stretch her arms over Lana's shoulders, pressing a kiss to her hair.

Lindsey turns her computer away, facing Lana on the couch completely. Lana's sat beside her, legs drowning in a large, fluffy blanket with Marceline asleep in her lap.

Lauren stands behind the couch beside Tina, absentmindedly petting the sleeping cat, hunched over the couch in order to do so.

Through glimpses of navy blue curtains covering the back windows, Lindsey can see Fitz and Lauren's dog, a beagle named Zero, running around the backyard, feeding into nighttime zoomies.

"The amount of times that I've explained that to her and she doesn't fucking get it." Lindsey brings her legs up to her chest, leaning against the couch on her side.

"Dude," Lauren interrupts. "Why is it she's so willing to hang out with you but she never wants to spend time with me?"

She tosses Lindsey's phone onto the couch and turns sharply, shoulder-length hair flying despite being confined in a messy braid. She heads towards the kitchen, presumably to retrieve a section of mango mochi as she always does when upset. "And stop making those faces. I'm fine," Lauren snaps. She doesn't have to face her sisters nor Tina to know they're looking at one another worriedly.

Fifteen minutes later Lana flinches when Lauren's door slams behind Zero with a solid thud. The sound of the lock turning follows.

Exchanging helpless glances, knowing how snappy Lauren tends to get before she cries, the twins retire to their separate rooms for the night. Tina follows Lana to hers, intent on finishing their marathon of old Disney shows despite the mood now being off.

mango mochi is so good omg

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