02 | irl

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"TOOK YOU LONG enough," Brooke teases the second Lindsey joins the voice channel.

"Yeah, yeah," Lindsey mumbles, settling into her chair. A bag of twizzlers is clutched between her left pinky and ring finger. She's holding her phone with her remaining three fingers, a water bottle balancing precariously on top of the electronic.

"Ow Marcy," she hisses, wincing as her—Lana's—cat sinks her teeth into the soft skin of her hand.

Lindsey drops her out of instinct, shaking her hand as if it would rid of the pain. Marceline doesn't seem to mind, her sleek brown, black, and tan body all but sprinting out the open bedroom door.

"Did she bite you?" Lana questions, concerned.

Only the four girls are in the vc. Everyone else in the lobby is setting up their streams or in Foolish's case, distracting his chat until the game can be played.

"I don't understand why she hates me." Lindsey frowns as she sets her things down, setting them to the left of her half-charged laptop. Not the most ideal situation for playing a game with everyone else who owns pc's but it'll have to do. Aside from Tina, who's using Lana's laptop in her room while Lana utilizes her very expensive pc.

Brooke hums for a second or two. "I think she just loves Lan too much." The blonde has met Marceline on plenty of occasions having been friends with the Vozza siblings for an upcoming four years. Not once has Marceline been mean to anyone but Lindsey or Lauren. Her theory of Marcy knowing her 'mom' of the identical girls may not be too far off. "I'll be right back!"

"Who loves Lana too much?" A voice chimes in, unintentionally cutting off Lana who had gone to assure Brooke she had been heard.

"I do," Lindsey says, not wanting to expose the cats bad behavior to however many viewers Foolish is currently entertaining.

"Fuck off Lynds, I love her more," Tina rebuttals with an attitude.

Lindsey rolls her eyes, smiling, knowing Tina is joking. Their feud of who loves Lana more will seemingly never end.

"Oh my goodness," Foolish murmurs quietly.

Lindsey pulls up his stream on her phone, turning the volume all the way down.

"You're so mean, my god. What did I ever do to you?" Lindsey plays along.

"Stole my girlfriend!" Tina shouts as three pings sound in the call.

"She's my sister!" Lindsey exclaims. "She was mine first!"

"You may have had her longer but I will always love her more."

"What the hell did I just walk in to?" Kayden Lance—most commonly known as Lancer—questions, cutting off Tina's squeal of frustration.

Her high-pitched noises are not new to him despite being fairly new to the streaming group. A longtime friend of Noah's, having gone to high school together, that had been forced (Tina convinced him with loving charm) onto a stream once and fell in love with the aspect of being there for others. His channel was created in the darkness of Noah's room between giggles that night and he began streaming within the month.

"I think everyone's arguing over who loves Lana more?" Foolish replies. He seems more confused than anything else.

"It's me just for the record," Lindsey pipes in immediately.

"NO IT'S NOT!" Tina and Brooke shout in unison.

Lana sighs softly though her cheeks are flaming and tinting a brash pink at the outpour of affection she's receiving. Her noise goes unnoticed by everyone but Brooke, lost under the other girls' quite serious yet somehow playful arguing.

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