the Alley

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One peaceful evening in Gotham,a city of like any other,well.... This city was home of the most well-known super hero,a man if great power who had the powers of a bat yet was still a who had fought many villains! This hero was patrolling amongst the city,walking ontop of buildings. Unkowning to him he'd encounter one of the many villains he'd fought,a woman with the powers of a cat, Catwoman. As he stood in a long and dark alley,peering out at the moving vehicles and street lights which flickered once in a while,standing near the empty boxes and large dumpster that neared the alleys end. A small rustle had been heard behind him.
"Hello again,Cat woman" Batman chuckled as he could tell it was her
"Hello again bat" she scoffed softly.
Batman turned to her,slowly walking in front of the feline themed villain
"What brings you here?" He questioned her
"No reason" she giggled to herself
"There always is one" he pressed on,slowly walking her into the wall
"Is there something wrong with me wanting to visit you?" She nervously chuckled. Batman gently shook his head
"There is none" he admitted before he gently pinned her,his figure slightly sending shivers down her spine as she looked away,turning red
"Don't do that,bad kitty" he gently nudged her face to look at his,rubbing her cheek with his thumb. She turned a bright red like a tomato
"I...I should get going! I think I left my iron on!" She protested to escape the situation before it escalated though she slightly wanted it to.
"I guess you better get going" he moved away from her,letting her leave as quick as she came

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2022 ⏰

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